Hello everyone,
Peer mentors and I will no longer be utilizing the discord platform anymore. Don’t worry we are going to be transitioning into a new app! Just fill out this Google form so you can be added to the new site. If you do have any questions, please feel free to email me: evelyn.ng@mail.citytech.cuny.edu. Also, be sure to follow our Instagram to keep up with the news, we will be up and running on a new platform very soon! 

Enrollment dates are now posted in Cuny first!! There are also office hours attached to the pdf, please feel free to visit with any questions. I am attaching a pdf on registration since early registration is right around the corner. Highly encourage everyone to begin planning their classes for next semester now and register as soon as possible as seats do fill up rather quickly.

My tip for you is to take it day by day or week by week. Pace yourself and focus on what is due by next week and get the easy assignments out of the way. I find writing down what I must do on a whiteboard helpful so that I never miss an assignment.