Maching(verb) -is the term for grinding the malt and screening out any bits of dirt.

Source:Colby, C. (2017, March-April). Home brew: you can save a buck and produce your very own craft beers–it’s easier than you think! Grit135(2)

Quote from the article:The next step is mashing. The barley malt is crushed and soaked in hot water. Then the liquid from this mix, called sweet wort, is drained from the mashing vessel. Some home brewers do this step at home. Others buy malt extract, which is sweet wort that has been condensed by the maltster. Adding water to the malt extract will reconstitute the wort. This is convenient and how most home brewers get started. Others make some of their wort from malted grains and use malt extract for the rest.

My thoughts: I understood that mashing is one of the steps for process for beer brewing, where crushed grains and mixed with hot water and heat.