Finish 14” by marcio swk via Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0

Class Info

  • Dates: Wednesday, 10/6-Tuesday, 10/12 (College closed on Monday, 10/11 for Indigenous People’s Day)
  • Meeting Info:
    • For the synchronous sessions, we will meet on Tuesdays 12:00-1:40pm via Zoom and share notes in a shared document.
    • For the other class meeting time, which would have been 100 minutes long, you will do your work throughout the week asynchronously, on your own time. This work and homework are indistinguishable but all contribute to your informal work for the semester.
    • Work will be due during the week as noted in the weekly agenda, usually with Monday mornings as a deadline to join a discussion so we all have time to read an respond to each other.


ENG 1101 Project #1: Education Narrative


  • To continue drafting and revising educational narratives
  • To continue to build community on our FYLC site by contributing to discussions helpful to the development and completion of Project #1
  • To continue to build our glossary

To Do from Before

Please catch up on any work you have missed from the Week 1 Agenda, the Week 2 Agenda, the Week 3 Agenda, the Week 4 Agenda, and the Week 5 Agenda. This includes the readings, discussions, and review of Project #1: Education Narrative assignment. Itā€™s important to catch up on this work because it is all set up to help you think through and write Project #1. I will not penalize late work.

To Do This Week

You will continue drafting and revising your own education narrative, using feedback from me and revision questions below to reconsider and refine your what you have written.


  • Think about your draft!
  • In class, we’ll be offering each other feedback on our drafts. Before class, consider answering these questions for your own draft (so you’re the author):
    • What does the author say or do in their education narrative?
    • What parts do you like in their writing (be specific)?
    • What parts do you need to understand better?
    • What parts do you want to know more about?
    • What else do you want the author to include?


  • Re-read your draft!
  • Read your classmates’s education narrative drafts to get any additional ideas or viewpoints


  • Keep writing! If you need to add more to your draft, write more!
  • When you get comments from me, try to address the ideas and questions
  • Feel free to respond to my comments or reach out via email if you want to discuss your project
  • Add another entry to our shared glossary (according to the glossary instructions)