My first year of college at City Tech in English 1101 start off alright but it started to go bad going down here as even though this class was helping in my writing and reading skills I just feel very less motivated to do things but I keep trying to move forward and to do it even though I feel like I don’t want to do it as I know this will affect my grade in college and even make my parent unhappy to hear it. As I knew that I have to write essays in this class and in my first semester but I didn’t expect that I will be confused about how to write an essay this assignment I was so confused about how to start my assignment I also had a problem to ask for help even when I need it. I struggle a lot with these writing assignments with how to start and my time management as I feel due to the pandemic and doing remote learning I feel very lazy, distracted, and of course less motivated.

Looking back to the writing assignment I did for this class I wish I have done a better job on it and even have asked for help will I need it as I feel like my writing and reading skills have got worse since in high school as this pandemic has changed me a lot in a bad way and I’m just hoping that next semester now that I can be able to go to City Tech and meet my professors in first people it will help me get back to normal and I’ll be more motivated just like I was in my junior year in high school

l have learned a lot from this first semester from food safety from introduction to food and beverage management and food sanitation and safety principles but for this ENG class, I wish I can do a lot better than before just hope next semester I’ll do a lot better in ENG class than before in my first semester. This ENG class was very helpful in teaching writing and reading skill I just wish I wouldn’t be less motivated to do well in this class.

In conclusion, I feel like my first year semester could have gone better since I feel less motivated due to the pandemic but I hope next semester I’ll do a lot better than before as this class was very helpful for helping me with my writing and reading skills and I have to be thankful for the professors for try to help me even though I wish I could have done better in this first semester but I still happy that my professor helps me in this semster.