Wine (Noun) – Aged juices of fresh ripe grapes, added with other sugar containing fruits. Can be categorized as red, white or rose wine. Can be more specific and say that it can be sparkling, light colored, and aromatic.

Source: Bisson, L., Waterhouse, A., Ebeler, S. et al. The present and future of the international wine industry. Nature 418, 696–699 (2002). 

Quote from the article: Wine production is both art and science, a blend of individual creativity and innovative technology. But wine production is also business, with economic factors driving manufacturing practices. To be successful in the modern marketplace, a winemaker must integrate the artistic and economic aspects of wine production, and possess a solid understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that underlie purchase motivation.

My thoughts: I understood how wine can be considered art and science since it does involve the aging of grape juices and it does take many years to perfect wine, if you preferred long-term aged wine.