Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101


Week 2:

Hello, I am 17 years old and I go by Mari. I am not a goody good student but I do try my best to reach my goals. My current goal in the Hospitality Management major is to obtain my bachelors degree. I want to go back to my home country , but I also want a career and I want to finish my career, so hospitality was the best option. I want to work in different hotels around the world and try multiple things to climb my way up into making one of the best hotels in Mexico and New York. For now those are my two locations but hopefully Japan and South Korea too! I have ADHD, and I already know its going to be a pain to focus and get there. Im not sure about something else I should say….

Week 14:

Hello friends! So many things have changed, have been introduced, have been learned and taught in these past 12 weeks. We are finally at the end of the semester with various things to reflect on. I’ve learned to come out of my comfort zone and interact with new people. Learned how to communicate better and talk more not just in class but in my homework. Who knew that your opinion was also key evidence in certain situations. I had very “big goals” to start with in the semester but I never realized the effort I actually have to put in. I was very confused in the first 5 weeks if i’m honest but I got the hang of it before it was too late. My next goals are not going to be really big but smaller in order to form the bigger picture. I still don’t know what I want to fully study but my options are still on the table, and I hope all of you have options as well. I have a small feeling that going to school next semester is going to be fun and it’s going to mess up our brains in picking what we want our future career to be. I have high expectations so I hope I don’t ruin them. I also have plans for my next semester both academically and personal. So many things to say but little words to describe them. Have fun friends! Let’s keep working hard. We are almost done.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    It is great that you can be witness to your own growth, these are truly exciting times for you. Your “big goals” will become more clear and yes, they will require a tremendous about of effort, most of which will be rewarding (some will be frustrating).

    For your linked in profile consider using something like the following…
    As a college student, I have very big goals and I realize the effort I must put in to accomplish them. I have have high expectations of what I will learn in my classes to help me better understand my direction.

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