Industry Research, Annotated Bibliography Portion, Complete at least One

Choose one trend from the list you created. Using the HMGT1101 Library Guide, research one trend and identify one journal article, one newspaper article (NY Times, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal) and two trade articles that support the trend. Write an annotated bibliography for all four articles (see directions below).

Annotated Bibliography Directions

  • Use APA 7th edition format for cover page and reference list. Information about APA format is available on the HMGT 1101 Resource Guide and the Purdue OWL.
  • Each citation should be followed by an annotation that
    • summarizes the main idea (approximately 4 sentences)
    • assesses the source (one or two sentences)
    • indicates how the source will be relevant for understanding the research topic (approximately 4 sentences)
  • Additional information about annotating your references is available on the City Tech Library website and the Purdue OWL.

Chapter 10

  • Identify eight words or terms in chapter 10 about parks and recreation management that were new to you, define each word in detail.
  • Differentiate between a national park and a theme park
  • You have been promoted to the Assistant Director of City Tech Adventure Tours.
    • Identify two national parks with distinctly different characteristics (one should be in New York State). You will need to use the National Park’s website for this.
    • Write a memo to the Director explaining why these two parks should be added to your list of tour options.

Weekly Reading

Read The Return of Travel and Why it Matters in the NY Times and respond to these two questions:

  • “What is the issue presented in the article?”
  • “What does the information mean to me as a hospitality professional?” Remember to refer to information in the textbook when determining your response.
    • Type your response in the “Weekly Reading” journal of the course BlackBoard site.