Here is some information on mid-semester grades!
Grades are:
P = Passing– you are currently on track to pass the course
BL = Borderline– you are right on the line of passing or failing the course
U = Unsatisfactory– you are currently failing the course
SA = Stopped Attending — the professor thinks that you are no longer participating in the course. you are on track to fail or get a withdrawal (W) grade
What to do when you receive the grades:
P = Keep up the good work!
BL = Talk to your professor to figure out what is bringing down your grade (email, office hours, end of class). Consider starting a study group with other people in your class and/or take advantage of the tutoring services at City Tech (linked in the buzz).
U = Talk to your professor to figure out what is bringing down your grade (email, office hours, end of class). Consider starting a study group with other people in your class and/or take advantage of the tutoring services at City Tech (linked in the buzz). Find out if you still have a chance to pass the course. If you cannot pass, meet with Financial Aid to see if you can/should drop the course. *DO NOT DROP WITHOUT CONSULTING FINANCIAL AID*
SA = If you are still trying to participate in the course, contact the professor immediately!
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