Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101

Reflection, October 19, HMGT1101

Write at least one goal you have set for yourself for your next research project. What outcome do you hope to accomplish by setting this goal?


  1. Erick Panama

    One goal for my next project is to honestly complete and submit on time and by setting this goal will help me better understand on why I’m doing these project. The benefits in the future that may come because of the projects being done.

  2. Tarynn Smith

    One goal I set for myself for my next research project is to do it ahead of time. This way I have time to ask for help if needed. I can also ensure that I have everything I need to complete the assignment to the best of my ability.

  3. ia Macharashvili

    One goal I have set is to create a visually appealing video using the resources the teacher has given me. The benefits would be that I could create good videos for future projects.

  4. Maria Isabel Gonzalez

    My goal, is to actually not forget i have a project due and to submit it well done with proper info. The outcome I am hoping to have, is a good presentation

  5. Guadalupe Saraie Campos

    A goal I have set is to actually spend enough time needed to create a good video containing a variety of important information so that it contains a greater meaning and impact to the audience and not push it to be a last minute assignment and have it contain broad information. The outcome I hope to have is a good presentation.

  6. Jason Wu

    One goal I have set is to spend time making the video and not to forget when the project is due and submit it on time when it was done with the right information in the project.

  7. Lre Collymore

    My goal is to spend time making a video that is understandable, organized and makes sense.

  8. Shakhzoda Obidova

    One goal I have set is to take a lot of time to make the video so it is provided with needed informations, edit it to look fun and entertaining and that everything makes sense.

  9. Jeffrey Vegas

    One goal that I hope to accomplish in this next project is to give it more care and attention to it. The outcome that I am looking for is a better project, and to hand it in on the right time