In today’s ENG 1101 class, you worked on your draft of Project #1. I asked you to share your work in whatever format in a comment in response to the Drafting Project #1 post. Please share so I can see that you’re on track today.

By tomorrow, please submit your full draft of Project #1–or as full a draft as possible. That way, I can give you feedback on your draft before you submit the final version next week. To submit your draft, write a post and use the category ENG 1101 Project #1 Posts and tag drafts. In the post, either include the text of the draft or a link to the draft if you prefer to work in Google Docs or Microsoft Office or other software.

If you need more time, please let me know. If you have questions, feel free to ask them as a comment to this post.

I’m very excited to read your education narrative drafts!