Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101

Reflection, 10/5, HMGT 1101

What are you looking forward to learning during your research for the Concierge Assingment?


  1. Jason Wu

    What I’m looking forward to learning during my research for the Concierge assignment is the tourist attraction like what makes these tourists come to this place to see this attraction like what is so cool or fun about it and what kind of tourist attraction do they have use to get tourist to their place.

    • Prof. Karen Goodlad

      The driver of tourism is pretty complex and there is so much to learn. I like that this is what you are looking to learn.

  2. ia Macharashvili

    I’m excited to learn more about the concierge’s responsibilities and how they might influence a guest’s decision on where to go. It’s fascinating to learn how they manage to book in places where all of the reservations are taken.

    • Prof. Karen Goodlad

      The concierge is an important position in luxury hotels. Learning about the responsibilities of the concierge will help you better understand the operations of hotels.

  3. Tarynn Smith

    I’m excited to learn about the impact the attraction has on tourism in NYC. I think it will be interesting to learn how many people visit this attraction and what draws them to that specific place.

    • Prof. Karen Goodlad

      I like this. There is plenty written about tourism and why people chose to visit certain types of attractions and locations.

  4. Genesis

    I think im excited to learn more about how the concierge works under pressure or when surprises come up. How do they keep themselves so clam and collected when they dont have control over certain things, or what do they do to help themselves stay so clam during these situations and find a solution.

    • Prof. Karen Goodlad

      I think the assignment will lead to learning more about how concierge guide guests rather than their day to day responsibilities and communication skills. Often, hospitality professionals are guest focused so loosing their temper is not an option. Also, planning and experience will help anticipate guest problems.

  5. Genesis

    I dont know why my comment got posted so many times but if someone knows how to delete it please help.

  6. Erick Panama

    I’m really looking forward to see what else concierge may do and to learn more what is to be one during this concierge assignment. Also how they come up vary of locations for guests to go visit.

    • Prof. Karen Goodlad

      They research and research and research and join associations.

  7. Lre Collymore

    I am looking forward to see how NYC became one of the hospitality cornerstones of the world. Why there are more attractions here and why so many people show up every year.

    • Prof. Karen Goodlad

      Ah… the City that never sleeps! This is a good question, I suspect that you will find out so much about the tourism industry as it relates to NYC and urban tourism.

  8. Guadalupe Saraie Campos

    I’m looking forward to learning more about how NYC attractions play an important role in tourism growth and how these experiences are worth the cost, time, and possibly a return. I also wonder if NYC would have any new attractions soon.

    • Prof. Karen Goodlad

      Like I wrote to Lre, with this approach, I believe you will learn so much about tourism in NYC and the unique opportunities related to urban tourism and how it differs from other tourism options.

  9. Jeffrey Vegas

    I am looking forward to researching the reviews o. the attraction. It lets me see many perspectives on this attraction.Also it lets me see how signifigant the location is.

  10. Maria Isabel Gonzalez

    One thing for sure is going to the attraction itself but as a tourist and then posting it on social media. Kinda making it feel more realistic, you have to test the product in order to know if you like it or not 😉

  11. Shakhzoda Obidova

    I’m looking forward to learn more about how concierge has the ability to handle all this and how they satisfy their guests with the information they want to know. I’m also looking forward to learn how big their knowledge can be .

  12. Ben

    Not only am I excited to go in depth as to what concierges do, but I am also excited to see everyone else’s hotels and attractions. I barely knew 3 hotels and only 5 attractions. Now I get to see everyone’s different taste in attractions so I can take mental notes as to what other hidden gems NYC has to offer that I didn’t know about

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