Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101


I wouldn’t say I’m the perfect student but I always try my best to be one .I have always struggled but I never gave up.I believe confidence is the key.I always get excited to learn about something and want to keep knowing more about it.That’s what keeps me motivated as a student all the time.I’ve never been confident in myself when it comes to school and was always very nervous about it. I always been scared to share my knowledge with others because I’m afraidI might be wrong ,this is why I sometimes struggle a lot because I’m always very nervous and shy to ask for help but for quite some time now I have been working on to be more confident.I learned that if you try enough then you can do it.As a student I tried my best to engage and learn with others. I tried to join many clubs , school festivals and tournaments even though it was something out my comfort zone but it was worth it at the end .I learned things I didn’t know about before, met new people and made new friends. My academic goals is to study ,try to maintain a good gpa and grades for all my courses as well learn to manage time with schoolwork ,stay on track with the assignments .I also plan to ask for help and go to tutoring if I don’t completely understand the material that is being taught.My career goal is to become a flight attendant or anything that has to do with tourism.I can speak more than 3 languages and currently attempting to learn more.I have already started working at store which involves customer service.I also volunteered at a hospital for three months before Covid-19 which allowed me to communicate with patients and etc.I’m seeking to develop my communication and customer service skills ,develop teamwork skills, learn 1 or more languages and hopefully many new experiences as much as I can.


  1. Genesis

    Thats so cool, what languages do you speak.
    Also, dont stress so much about your GPA, Yes it is good to have a good one, but do not let a number define how smart you are. Sometimes we let our grades effect us which causes us to stress even more and sometimes even causes it to lower. Everything happens for a reason, you may be shy today but who knows if tomorrow your going to be a great public speaker for your own business.

  2. Guadalupe Saraie Campos

    What languages can you speak?

    • Jason Wu

      Wow, it’s cool that you can speak three different languages but what are the three languages you can speak.

    • Shakhzoda Obidova

      English is not my first language.I can speak both Uzbek and Tajik ,in school back where I used to live in Uzbekistan we had to speak and learn Uzbek but at home we spoke tajik. I started learning Turkish for about 3-4 years now ,I can say I’m pretty fluent at it. I can read and write in Russian but I’m not fully fluent to comfortably communicate with Russian speakers.I try my best tho.

      • Prof. Karen Goodlad

        I had a student from Uzbekistan who became my research assistant and I am happy to say that when she graduated we became friends. I have learned a lot about the food and culture of your country and look forward to learning more from you.

  3. Genesis

    Thats so cool, what languages do you speak.
    Also, dont stress so much about your GPA, Yes it is good to have a good one, but do not let a number define how smart you are. Sometimes we let our grades effect us which causes us to stress even more and sometimes even causes it to lower. Everything happens for a reason, you may be shy today but who knows if tomorrow your going to be a great public speaker for your own business.

  4. Erick Panama

    I completely understand what you mean, I relate to you because I myself am shy and afraid to share ideas for the outcome to be that I’m wrong. I’m also trying to get out my comfort zone by talking with people I don’t know like that, and I hope you accomplish what you want in life! 🙂

  5. Jason Wu

    Wow, it’s cool that you can speak more than 3 languages but what are the languages you can speak?

  6. Maria Isabel Gonzalez

    Whoa! who thought I was going to relate to you… and just with the first sentence. Its good to leave your comfort zone!

  7. Jeffrey Vegas

    I know how it feels to be nervous in school! stay strong!

  8. Jason Wu

    Wow, it’s cool that you know more than 3 languages and it’s amazing but what the languages are?

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