• Complete the eProfile assignment on the OpenLab
    • Guidance on career paths and professional attributes can be reviewed on pages 12-22 of the text book.
  • Post your response to the following question on the course BlackBoard site. Visit BlackBoard, sign in, find the “Weekly Homework” journal, open the journal, press “create journal”, type your response in to the text box, save your work.
    • Using information from the text book, identify two changes in the hospitality industry overtime and explain why the changes are significant to you.
  • Weekly Reading.
    • Read the article The US is off the EU “Safe List” in the NYTimes
    • Respond to these two questions
      • “What is the issue presented in the article?”
      • “What does the information mean to me as a hospitality professional?”
    • Type your response in the “Weekly Reading” journal of the course BlackBoard site.