Storytelling Post #2

In what way did I perform differently this week than the prior week?

I have now worked 10 days at Stony Pond Farm, July 6 to July 15 with no days off. This weekend, I have two days off in a row, which has been good for my body since cheesemaking and farmwork are obviously very physical and intensive. The days are long. We start at 6:00 am, often don’t finish the bulk of the work until around 3:00 pm, and then sometimes have evening responsibilities such as flipping the cheese, milking or other activities. I am exhausted but happy at the end of the day because of what we have accomplished. 

In the first five days on the farm, I focused on observing, asking questions and supporting Melanie however she needed. I continued that in the second five day stretch but because we had made three batches of cheese (one camembert make and two tomme makes), I was able to start anticipating her needs in terms of mise-en-place and clean-up. I was able to sanitize equipment before it was needed, make to-do lists for the day (running them by her, of course), and perform a lot of work unsupervised (affinage in the cave, cleaning and sanitizing, etc.). She even had me pack all the week’s orders for pick-up by the distributors by myself. 

The whole experience is incredibly rewarding. It is amazing to see the cows in the barnyard as I start my morning, only to have their milk flood the vat a short time later. Then to see the milk transform into curds and then unaged cheese within a few hours is truly wild. So much of the work I do in my professional life is planting seeds that may or may not blossom years later. It is a real change to see tangible results in such a short time here on the farm.

Some of Swallow Tail Tommes that I helped to make, in various stages of development
On the metal rack: the Tom Tom camemberts that I helped make

1 thought on “Storytelling Post #2

  1. Happy exhaustion is the rewarding feeling.

    Your comparison between your work at the school and that of the farm is telling of our industry. At the farm, You are seeing results over a short period of time, when the cheese ships, the chef will have an even shorter period of time between their own production and guest reaction. That is exciting.

    I might add that your vocabulary has developed since the prior week, that is a noticeable change for me.

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