Hitchings | D054 | Fall 2022

Author: M. Genevieve Hitchings (Page 2 of 11)

Class Info

  • Date: Monday 11/28
  • Meeting Info: Room P114


  • Visual Diagrams – >>Visualization methods that help explain and show ideas or concepts.
  • Project 2 & 3 >>Activities/Projects/Project2&3
  • Review Phase 2 Develop concept and refine sketches >>Activities/Project2&3/Assignment7:
    1. For your Diagram: Sketch and design your focal image. This should be clear, beautiful and stylized. You can use photography, or an illustration (digital or hand-drawn). Work should be original
    2. For your FlowChart/Timeline (sequential story) Flush out your content, create a mind-mapping chart to help focus subject. Organize all content that will appear in your sequential story (this should be outlined in your Project Proposal). Begin to experiment with how you might present the content visually.
    3. Research examples to reference as inspiration. Save them as URL links in your project proposal.
  • Phase 3 Design and Development >>Activities/Project2&3/Assignment8

Activities and Lab Time

  • Presentation – In class video – TBA
  • Time to work


  1. Read Article: >>Datavizcatalogue.com Selecting a Chart Based on the Number of Variables
  2. Phase 3: Project 2&3 Design and Development >>Activities/Project2&3/Assignment8
    Save your doc or PDF with your name into the class Dropbox folder titled: >>Assignment8-DesignDevelopment

Assignment 8 Design and Development

Getting Started

Phase 3 Design Development Before moving to this stage, make sure you have:

  1. Refined your thesis statement
  2. Collected, organized and written all your content
  3. Found some excellent examples of professional work that can serve as inspiration and reference
  4. Developed a few sketches and settled on the one that gives you a clear plan forward and supports your thesis statement
  5. Experimented with a grid structure
  6. Started to develop the visual assets (graph, charts, images and photos) that you will need to visualize the piece
  7. Settled on a typeface that is functional and in style with your piece


Visually tell a story through researched and fact based information. The following two designs can be presented together in one poster or separately in two:

Project 2: Visual Diagram – a clear, beautiful and stylized visual (photography, or an illustration – digital or hand-drawn) that shows the appearance, structure, or workings of something.

Project 3: FlowChart/Timeline (sequential story) – presenting an information sequence that explains a concept through a series of steps: A. B. C., 1. 2. 3., etc. The steps do not have to be presented sequentially but they need to be read/ understood within the context of each other.

Continue to go back to your thesis statement, all components or your design solution should support your thesis statement, keep revising.

Document Specs

Set up the document in InDesign. Chunk your outline into sections and lay them out within your decided gird.

  • Tabloid Poster – 11×17 inches (Vertical or Horizontal layout)
  • Margin: 0.5”
  • Bleed: 0.25”
  • Set up a grid
  • Gutter: .025”

Optional: You can choose to work larger – 20″ x 30″

DUE – First Draft

Week 14 Monday 12/12/22

Class Info

  • Date: Monday 11/21
  • Meeting Info: Room P114


  • Timelines>>Timelines are a graphical way of displaying a list of events in chronological order.  Some Timelines work on a scale, while others simply display events in sequence.
  • Project 2 & 3 >>Activities/Projects/Project2&3
  • Phase 2 Develop concept and refine sketches >>Activities/Project2&3/Assignment7:
    1. For your Diagram: Sketch and design your focal image. This should be clear, beautiful and stylized. You can use photography, or an illustration (digital or hand-drawn). Work should be original
    2. For your FlowChart/Timeline (sequential story) Flush out your content, create a mind-mapping chart to help focus subject. Organize all content that will appear in your sequential story (this should be outlined in your Project Proposal). Begin to experiment with how you might present the content visually.
    3. Research examples to reference as inspiration. Save them as URL links in your project proposal.


Here is a look at a number of examples to get you thinking and inspired:

    1. Diagrams
    2. Flow Charts and Timelines (sequential storytelling)
    3. Maps

Activities and Lab Time

  • Self-Evaluation – Project 1
  • Presentation – In class video – TBA
  • Time to work


  1. Read Article: >>Datavizcatalogue.com – Timellines
  2. Project 1 FINAL Due Week 12 (next week)
    Please make a folder with your name and save your design comps as PDFs into the >>Assignment5-InfoGraphic-Final Dropbox folder
  3. Phase 2: Project 2&3 >>Activities/Project2&3/Assignment7:
    Save your doc or PDF with your name into the class Dropbox folder titled: >>Assignment7-ConceptDevelopment
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