Week 01


Tuesday 08/27/19

Introductions – Welcome!
  • Overview of the three main projects for the semester
  • Class requirements and expectations
  • Data Visualization and Info Graphics
  • Visual Storytelling and Data Journalism
  • Science Visualization – explaining complex problems visually
  • Collecting Data
  • Intro to Illustrator
  • Read: Florence Nightingale is a Design Hero
  • Review the following website: 5wgraphics.com
    Find an excellent example of each of the following (copy and paste the URL to a document that you will be able to call up in class next week):

    • 1 Info Graphic
    • 1 Diagram
    • 1 Flow Chart

12 thoughts on “Week 01”

  1. An Excellent Example for the Info Graphic.”Science”

    UNICEF USA : http://www.5wgraphics.com/en/gallery.php

    Commonfund : http://www.5wgraphics.com/en/gallery.php

    An Excellent Example for the Diagram. “ Visual Image”

    American Museum of Natural History : http://www.5wgraphics.com/en/gallery.php

    Malaria Vaccine Initiative : http://www.5wgraphics.com/en/gallery.php

    Science et Vie (France)

    An Excellent Example for the Chart.” Line Base”

    National Geographic Magazine : http://www.5wgraphics.com/en/gallery.php

    Intellectual Ventures : http://www.5wgraphics.com/en/gallery.php

  2. Diagram


    drawing that shows the different parts of something and how they work together.
    diagram is a graph, chart, drawing or plan that explains something by showing how the parts relate to each other.



    It shows by using line chart how much epa air pollution score different car branding have mile per galons.




    infographic is a form of visual communication meant to capture attention and enhance comprehension.

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