
Looking at midterm (Brick Breaker) im able to see that i could class two things which are the ball(thats moving ) and the paddle(which makes the ball bounce )

FIle was to large to post on openprocessing…it exceeded the 10 MB so..i emailed it you

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Homework 10.2

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Homework 10.2

my midterm project was a tic-tac-toe game. there were two objects throughout my code that i could have break down into classes which were the circles and squares. the rectangles i used to create the board i figured could not be broken down into classes because each of the rectangles would require a different location. (but i’m not sure)

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Homework 10.2

Because I Was Trying To Build Connect Four As My Midterm Project I Didnt Really Have That Many Different Objects To Build. The Grid Was Built Based On Rect So I Didn’t Really Think I Could Put That Into A Class. So The Three Classes I Could Build Would Be The Red Player Chip, The Black Player Chip && The Main Player Chip On The Top Of The Grid That Moved Across The X Axis. I Decided To Turn The Top Player Chip Into A Class Instead Of Leaving It As A Regular Ellipse Because I Was Still Trying To Figure Out How To Work The Mouse Press With The Different Red && Black Player Chips To Change. 

Link: http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/96388

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Chris Pro HW 10.2



for some reason on open processing it shows my code as if it was all written on one tab, but i did in fact make 3 tabs all together. one for the code itself, one for the board game class and another one for my buttons class

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Erick Asadobay H.W 10.2


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Homework 10.2

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homework 10.2


link to openprocessing http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/96349

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For the midterm my goal was to create a visual piece. So with that idea in mind I decided to make a cityscape filled with different things to make it life like such as cars moving, a plane flying above the city, people moving on the side walk,having a stop light which when clicked upon stops the cars, and then when it is clicked it is shows the night time, complete with lights, multiple cars, and more people. Unfortunately I bit off more than I can chew. I was able to make the city scape exactly the way I envisioned it would look like and was a to capture the depth of field I want to have. I was able to do this by first setting the road which was a black triangle,than I made a gray triangle for the sidewalk and put it behind the street and than expanded the width, Than I just placed the rectangles on the left and the right side of the triangles and the triangles were able to cut them off and made it look like it was getting smaller as it went along, and then I just placed the white rectangle on the buildings for the windows.Next, I was able to make the plane move as well as the car. The car was challenging mainly due to the fact that I needed the car to come down but come down at an angle as well as having the car go from small to large as it was moving down. I found the solution to make it work was to have the width and the height of the car increase as it goes down and to make it go at an angle, I found out that all that I needed to do was to subtract 1 from X but increase the Y by 1 and with that I was able to make it work. In the future I plan to improve on this by adding all the other components I wanted to add. I put the URL and code because although I embedded and it is uploaded, the images I put in the code are not appearing.



PImage myImage;
PImage myImage2;
PImage myImage3;
PImage myImage4;
PImage myImage5;
PImage myImage6;
int x= 0;
int speed= 1;
int car1Y=190;
int car1X= 492;
int car2X=560;
int car2Y=620;
int car1W=-20;
int car1H=-20;
int state=0;
boolean button= false;

void setup(){

void draw(){
void dayTime(){
background(142);//base color of the sketch
image(myImage, 0, 0, 800, 200);//Daytime image
fill(157, 156, 160);//color of the front of building 6
rect(350, 190, 150, 500);//Front of building 6
fill(95, 94, 95);//color of the left side of building 6
rect(335, 190, 150, 500);//left side of building 6
fill(211, 173, 149);//color of the front of building 5
rect(330, 180, 150, 500);//Front of building 5
fill(255);//color of the right window of bulding 5
rect(467, 210, 5, 20);//right window of building 5
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 5
rect(450, 190, 5, 20);//left window of building 5
fill(113, 89, 74);//color of the left side of building 5
rect(292, 180, 150, 500);//Left side of building 5
fill(95, 59, 4);//color of the front of building 4
rect(280, 180, 150, 500);//Front of building 4
fill(255);//color of the right window of bulding 4
rect(410, 250, 10, 30);//right window of building 4
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 4
rect(390, 200, 10, 30);//left window of building 4
fill(57, 36, 4);//color of the left side of building 4
rect(225, 180, 150, 500);//left side of building 4
fill(95);//color of the front of building 3
rect(200, 100, 150, 500);//Front of building 3
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 3
rect(240, 130, 20, 50);//left window of building 3
fill(255);//color of the right window of bulding 3
rect(300, 270, 20, 50);//right window of building 3
fill(54);//color of the side of building 3
rect(80, 100, 150, 500);//side of building 3
fill(33, 117, 155);//Color of the roof of Building 2
rect(10, 292, 240, 800);//Roof of Building 2
fill(76, 145, 175);//color of the front of bulding 2
rect(100, 300, 150, 500);//Front of building 2
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 2
rect(170, 320, 20, 50);//left window of building 2
fill(255);//color of the right window of bulding 2
rect(220, 400, 20, 50);//right window of building 2
fill(21, 85, 113);//color of the left side of building 2
rect(10, 300, 150, 500);//left side of building 2
fill(52);//color of the billboard frame
rect(-15, 335, 180, 90);//billboard frame
image(myImage2, 17, 340, 130, 80);//Billboard
fill(245,0,0);//color of right side of building
rect(60, 550, 90, 90);//right side of building
fill(245, 0, 0);//color of the front of the building 2
fill(232, 0, 0);//color of the front
rect(50, 550, 100, 700);//front of building 1
fill(255);//color of the right window of bulding 1
rect(120, 600, 15, 30);//right window of building 1
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 1
rect(70, 660, 15, 30);//left window of building 1
fill(155, 2,2);//color of the roof of the building
triangle(150, 550, -40, 800, -80, 550);//roof of building
fill(82,6, 6);//color of the left side of building 1
rect(-50, 680, 100, 700);//left side of building 1
fill(74, 70, 211);//color of the Front of building 10
rect(520, 170, 140, 500);//Front of building 10
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 10
rect(522, 180, 5, 20);//left window of building 10
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 10
rect(527, 220, 5, 20);//left window of building 10
fill(44, 42, 121);//color of the right side of building 10
rect(540, 170, 140, 500);//right side of building 10
fill(167);//color of the front of bulding 9
rect(550, 150, 200, 500);//Front of building 9
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 9
rect(565, 160, 15, 40);//left window of building 9
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 9
rect(580, 250, 15, 40);//right window of building 9
fill(139);//color of the right side of building 9
rect(610, 150, 140, 500);//right side of building 9
fill(33, 117, 155);//Color of the roof of Building 8
rect(620, 292, 240, 800);//Roof of Building 8
fill(12, 144,191);//color of the front of bulding 8
rect(620, 300, 200, 500);//Front of building 8
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 8
rect(630, 320, 20, 50);//left window of building 8
fill(255);//color of the right window of bulding 8
rect(660, 420, 20, 50);//right window of building 8
fill(21, 85, 113);//color of the right side of building 8
rect(700, 300, 140, 500);//right side of building 8
fill(232, 0, 0);//Color of the Front side of building 7
rect(700, 530, 100, 500);//Front side of building 7
fill(255);//color of the left window of bulding 7
rect(760, 660, 15, 30);//left window of building 7
fill(255);//color of the right window of bulding 7
rect(720, 600, 15, 30);//right window of building 7
fill(155, 2,2);//color of the roof of the building
triangle(795, 670, 700, 530, 7000, 500);//roof of building
fill(82,6, 6);//color of the left side of building 7
rect(787, 660, 60, 90);//right side of bulding 7
fill(98,98, 98);//color of side-walk
triangle(500, 200, 800, 800, 30, 800);//side-walk
fill(38, 39, 39);//color of street
triangle(500, 200, 700, 800, 100, 800);//street
image(myImage6, 560, 620, 150,150);//Daytime image

void nightTime(){
background(142);//base color of the sketch
image(myImage5, 0, 0, 800, 200);//night time image
fill(165);//color of the front of building 6
rect(350, 190, 150, 500);//Front of building 6
fill(62);//color of the left side of building 6
rect(335, 190, 150, 500);//left side of building 6
fill(170, 141, 124);//color of the front of building 5
rect(330, 180, 150, 500);//Front of building 5
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the right window of bulding 5
rect(467, 210, 5, 20);//right window of building 5
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 5
rect(450, 190, 5, 20);//left window of building 5
fill(93,75, 65);//color of the left side of building 5
rect(292, 180, 150, 500);//Left side of building 5
fill(85,70,48);//color of the front of building 4
rect(280, 180, 150, 500);//Front of building 4
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the right window of bulding 4
rect(410, 250, 10, 30);//right window of building 4
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 4
rect(390, 200, 10, 30);//left window of building 4
fill(52,43,29);//color of the left side of building 4
rect(225, 180, 150, 500);//left side of building 4
fill(93);//color of the front of building 3
rect(200, 100, 150, 500);//Front of building 3
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 3
rect(240, 130, 20, 50);//left window of building 3
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the right window of bulding 3
rect(300, 270, 20, 50);//right window of building 3
fill(52);//color of the side of building 3
rect(80, 100, 150, 500);//side of building 3
fill(33, 117, 155);//Color of the roof of Building 2
rect(10, 292, 240, 800);//Roof of Building 2
fill(76, 145, 175);//color of the front of bulding 2
rect(100, 300, 150, 500);//Front of building 2
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 2
rect(170, 320, 20, 50);//left window of building 2
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the right window of bulding 2
rect(220, 400, 20, 50);//right window of building 2
fill(21, 85, 113);//color of the left side of building 2
rect(10, 300, 150, 500);//left side of building 2
fill(52);//color of the billboard frame
rect(-15, 335, 180, 90);//billboard frame
image(myImage2, 17, 340, 130, 80);//Billboard
fill(245,0,0);//color of right side of building
rect(60, 550, 90, 90);//right side of building
fill(245, 0, 0);//color of the front of the building 2
fill(232, 0, 0);//color of the front
rect(50, 550, 100, 700);//front of building 1
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the right window of bulding 1
rect(120, 600, 15, 30);//right window of building 1
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 1
rect(70, 660, 15, 30);//left window of building 1
fill(155, 2,2);//color of the roof of the building
triangle(150, 550, -40, 800, -80, 550);//roof of building
fill(82,6, 6);//color of the left side of building 1
rect(-50, 680, 100, 700);//left side of building 1
fill(74, 70, 211);//color of the Front of building 10
rect(520, 170, 140, 500);//Front of building 10
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 10
rect(522, 180, 5, 20);//left window of building 10
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 10
rect(527, 220, 5, 20);//left window of building 10
fill(44, 42, 121);//color of the right side of building 10
rect(540, 170, 140, 500);//right side of building 10
fill(167);//color of the front of bulding 9
rect(550, 150, 200, 500);//Front of building 9
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 9
rect(565, 160, 15, 40);//left window of building 9
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 9
rect(580, 250, 15, 40);//right window of building 9
fill(139);//color of the right side of building 9
rect(610, 150, 140, 500);//right side of building 9
fill(33, 117, 155);//Color of the roof of Building 8
rect(620, 292, 240, 800);//Roof of Building 8
fill(12, 144,191);//color of the front of bulding 8
rect(620, 300, 200, 500);//Front of building 8
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 8
rect(630, 320, 20, 50);//left window of building 8
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the right window of bulding 8
rect(660, 420, 20, 50);//right window of building 8
fill(21, 85, 113);//color of the right side of building 8
rect(700, 300, 140, 500);//right side of building 8
fill(232, 0, 0);//Color of the Front side of building 7
rect(700, 530, 100, 500);//Front side of building 7
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 7
rect(760, 660, 15, 30);//left window of building 7
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the right window of bulding 7
rect(720, 600, 15, 30);//right window of building 7
fill(155, 2,2);//color of the roof of the building
triangle(795, 670, 700, 530, 7000, 500);//roof of building
fill(82,6, 6);//color of the left side of building 7
rect(787, 660, 60, 90);//right side of bulding 7
fill(98,98, 98);//color of side-walk
triangle(500, 200, 800, 800, 30, 800);//side-walk
fill(38, 39, 39);//color of street
triangle(500, 200, 700, 800, 100, 800);//street
image(myImage6, 560, 620, 150,150);//Daytime image

void planeMove(){
speed= speed*1;
image(myImage3,x, 0, 70, 70);//Airplane

void redcarMove(){
speed= speed*1;
image(myImage4, car1X, car1Y, car1W, car1H);
car1X= car1X-1;
void graycarMove(){

void mousePressed(){
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the left window of bulding 2
rect(170, 320, 20, 50);//left window of building 2
fill(252, 240, 0);//color of the right window of bulding 2
rect(220, 400, 20, 50);//right window of building 2




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