HW 12.1 – Final Project Plan

I’m still not sure if this is definitely what I want to do for my final, but it’s the best I’ve got for now.

It would be a first-person perspective experience of driving a car in the rain.  I’m not sure if would be feasible to have an actual driving function as there would be a lot of diagonal movement involved to keep the proper perspective.  But it would be made up exclusively of images to keep it realistic, with the exception of raindrops, which would generate randomly and expand as they hit the windshield.  It would be interactive.  There would be a knob to use the windshield wipers, which would clear the raindrops.  There would be a radio which you could tune to different stations, or turn off/on.  I’ll like to come up with more functions if I decide to continue with this idea; it’s still in it’s formative stages.


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H.W 12.1-

For my finals I would like to use my midterm project (Soccer game). And my intentions is to add more soccer players, key press functions to move the players across the field, add a Score functions, and finally add a sound for my commentators and fans.

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HW 12.1

I was thinking about making one out of 2 games. My first idea was a game were the person uses the mouse to move a character left and right trying to avoid buildings that are coming from the background. But that seems to be more complicated than my other idea which is to make a game were the player controls a car moving left and right. The car is moving up a road and other cars are coming from the opposite side of the screen. Basically the player avoids the other classes or he/she crashes.

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Erick Asadobay H.W 12.1

For the final i was thinking on creating a motorcycle game as “Lane Splitter” or an old but simple game as “Minesweeper”, im not sure yet but whether i decide to choose one or another i will try to incorporate all what i have learned so far! this include mostly arrays, classes, collisions and others.

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Homework 12.1 Harry

for my final project i would like to continue from where i left off on my midterm. now with the help of arrays and object collision testing  i can add more to the game. such as when hitting borders the Pac-Man wont go through them. i would also like to add obstacles with in the game itself.


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Homework 12.1 Jack’s “Final” Thought

As of right now, I was thinking of creating a platform game. I wouldn’t know how to go upon it, seeing that would mean I would need to create a class for a character that the player can control, as well as objects (platforms) that the character can jump on. The game would probably be just one page frame, as I have NO idea how to make a scrolling background, and I feel like that would just open up more bags of worms.
The ball’s in the air, and it’ll mostly will back.

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Matthew Soto Final Proposal

For my final I really want to something big. Something that can push me to use everything I have learned. I my idea was to make a shooting gallery game or racing game. Since I hope to have a job in game design business and since I have study in some of the concepts of game design I think that this project will be very good for me to try to do. For the game I want to have a variety of different target ranging from plain ordinary targets to moving targets such as zombies. The style of the game is a first person shooter very similar to games to light gun games that people use to play in the arcades. The racing game is my back up plan and the game I had in mind was similar to a very classic arcade game were the player is in control of a car the moves forward, back, left and right in order to to dodge on coming traffic.

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Chris Pro Homework 12.1

I think for my final project a good challenge for me would be one of those picture memory games (i dont know what they’re called). but i would have to set up an even amount of pictures face down in a random order with 2 of each picture if you flip two that are alike they stay shown but if they are different they will turn back over untill you find all the pairs…… this is going to be tough so expect me to be asking many questions


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HW 12.1 Ashlee

I Honestly Cant Think Of A Game Or Animation, The Only Idea I Have Come Up With Is The Game Bejeweled .. But Most Likely I Would Change That Because The Concept Is Similar To The Midterm && I Want To Do Something Different.

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Homework 12.1

I’m torn between continuing my game (I have mad some major improvements to it and have some really good ideas to implement) and making something completely different. I might make a photo book and something a little bit more homely, but I don’t think thats to challenging. All in all, I’ll say I’m going to stick with my game for the sake of this assignment, and I’ll notify you via email if I change my mind….

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