Danielle Small homework 2.2


int r = 255;
int g = 255;
int b = 255;

boolean sunny = false;

float x = 12.0;
float z;
z = x + 25;
float y;
y = z + x;



int ellipfishX = 400;
int ellipfishY = 70;
int ellipfishZ = 40;
int triS = 600;
float w = random(60, 100);
float g = random(450, 520);

void setup(){
size(600, 600);
background(10, 192, 255);
fill(50, 30, 245);
rect(0, 300, 600, 150);
fill(8, 108, 18);
rect(0, 450, 600, 150);


void draw(){
fill(247, 240, 5);
ellipse(500, 100, 100, 100);
stroke(247, 240, 5);
line(435, 40, 560, 160);
line(560, 40, 435, 160);
line(500, 20, 500, 175);
line(415, 100, 580, 100);
ellipse(500, 100, 100, 100);
fill(21, 64, 3);

void mousePressed(){
fill(247, 114, 5);
ellipse(ellipfishX, ellipfishX, ellipfishY, ellipfishZ);
triangle(350, 370, 380, 400, 350, 430);
ellipse(425, ellipfishX, 7, 7);
ellipse(425, ellipfishX, 3, 3);

void keyPressed(){
ellipse(80, 70, 100, 40);//first cloud
ellipse(120, 85, 100, 40);//first cloud
ellipse(290, 70, 100, 40);
ellipse(330, 85, 100, w);
fill(2, 70, 37);
triangle(530, g, 525, triS, 535, triS);
triangle(520, g, 515, triS, 525, triS);
triangle(510, g, 505, triS, 515, triS);
triangle(500, g, 495, triS, 505, triS);
triangle(490, g, 485, triS, 495, triS);
triangle(480, g, 475, triS, 485, triS);
triangle(470, g, 465, triS, 475, triS);
triangle(460, g, 455, triS, 465, triS);
triangle(450, g, 445, triS, 455, triS);
triangle(440, g, 435, triS, 445, triS);
triangle(430, g, 425, triS, 435, triS);
triangle(420, g, 415, triS, 425, triS);
triangle(410, g, 405, triS, 415, triS);

void mouseDragged(){
fill(192, 11, 216);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 50, 50);


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Home work 2.2 Part 2

New Sketch … HW 2.2 Part 2 Ashlee Frontin

Link: http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/8937


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Chris Pro homework 2.2 part 1

//Chris Pro Assignment 2.2 Part 1

int r=255;
int g=255;
int b=255;

boolean sunny;

float x;

float z;

float y;

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homework 2.2 part 1

Part 1

int r=255;

int g=255;

int b=255;

boolean sunny=false;

float x=12.0;

float z;


float y=z+x;

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Mohammad Rahat Week 2 HW (Open processing isn’t letting me upload again. Idk if I’m doing something wrong)

Part 1:

int r = 225;
int g = 225;
int b = 225;
boolean sunny = false;
float x = 12.0;
float z;
z = x+25;
y = z+x;

Part 2:

int s = 400;
int x = 0;
int y = 200;
int z = 400;
int a = 225;
int b = 100;
int c = 20;
float r = random(200,400);

void setup() {

void draw() {
fill(x, x, a);
stroke(x, a, x);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, y, y);
rect(30, c, b, b);
rect(270, c, b, b);

void mousePressed() {
background(a, x, x);

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homework 2.2

//homework 2.2 part1 by kanghyun huh

int r=255;

int g=255;

int b=255;

boolean sunny=false;

float x=12.0;

float z;


float y=z+x;

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Erick Asadobay H.W 2.2

Part 1

int r=255;
int g=255;
int b=255;
boolean sunny=false;
float x=12.0;
float z;
float y=z+x;

Part 2


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Nafis HW 2.2

int r = 255;
int g = 255;
int b = 255;
boolean sunny = false;
float x = 12.0;
float z;
z = x+25;
float y = z+x;

Part 2


/*Nafis Sabir
Professor Calli Higgins
HW 2.2.2*/
int arcWidth = 200; //flower width
int arcHeight = 200;//flower height
int ellipseWidth = 140;//pad width
int ellipseHeight = 10;//pad height
float sunX = random(100);//random sun float
float sunY = 100;//sun y float
float arcStart = 0;//flower start
float arcStopone = PI+QUARTER_PI;//flower open
float arcStoptwo = TWO_PI;//flower closed

void setup() {
size(800, 800);//window size
background(0, 150, 255);//background color

strokeWeight(9);//weight for stems
stroke(10, 200, 0);//stem color
line(200, 303, 200, 700);//stem 1
line(560, 503, 560, 700);//stem 2
line(380, 403, 380, 700);//stem 3
noStroke();//removed stroke from flowers
fill(0, 0, 255);//blue color for left flower
arc(200, 200, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//left flower
fill(146, 0, 206);//purple color for middle flower
arc(380, 300, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//middle flower
fill(255, 100, 255);//pink color for left flower
arc(560, 400, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//right flower
void draw() {
smooth();//pixel smoothing

void keyPressed() { //color change to night on key press
background(25, 25, 112);//background night color
strokeWeight(9);//weight for pads
stroke(0, 255, 0);//pad color
ellipse(200, 300, ellipseWidth, ellipseHeight);//left pad
ellipse(380, 400, ellipseWidth, ellipseHeight);//middle pad
ellipse(560, 500, ellipseWidth, ellipseHeight);//right pad
noStroke();//no stroke on flowers
fill(255, 225, 0);//yellow color for left flower
arc(200, 200, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStoptwo);//left flower
fill(255, 69, 0);//orange color for middle flower
arc(380, 300, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStoptwo);//middle flower
fill(255, 0, 0);//red color for right flower
arc(560, 400, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStoptwo);//right flower
void mousePressed() { //change colors to day on mouse press
background(0, 150, 255);//background day color
strokeWeight(9);//weight for stems
stroke(10, 200, 0);//stem color
line(200, 303, 200, 700);//stem 1
line(560, 503, 560, 700);//stem 2
line(380, 403, 380, 700);//stem 3
noStroke();//removed stroke from flowers
fill(0, 0, 255);//blue color for left flower
arc(200, 200, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//left flower
fill(146, 0, 206);//purple color for middle flower
arc(380, 300, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//middle flower
fill(255, 100, 255);//pink color for left flower
arc(560, 400, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//right flower
fill(250, 224, 25);//color of sun
noStroke();//no stroke for sun
ellipse(sunX + 200, sunY, 100, 100);//location of sun

void mouseMoved() {
fill(mouseX, 0, mouseY);//color change for flowers on mouse move
arc(200, 200, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//left flower
arc(380, 300, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//middle flower
arc(560, 400, arcWidth, arcHeight, arcStart, arcStopone);//right flower

//Done by Nafis Sabir

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Noah Ruede – HW 2.2

Part 1:

int r=255;
int g=255;
int b=255;
boolean sunny;
boolean sunny=false;
float x;
float x=12;
float z;
z = x+25;
float y;
y= x+z;

Part 2:

//Noah Ruede Calli Higgins Feb 14 2013

int colorW = 255; //assigning values to ints
int colorB = 0;

float moveW;//assigning values to floats
float moveH;

void setup() {
size(600, 600); //setting image size
background(255); //background color
noStroke(); //setting no stroke

void draw() {
//rectangle 1
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
rect(0, 0, 50, 600); //setting size and location

//rectangle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
rect(100, 0, 50, 600); //setting size and location

//rectangle 3
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
rect(200, 0, 50, 600); //setting size and location

//rectangle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
rect(300, 0, 50, 600); //setting size and location

//rectangle 5
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
rect(400, 0, 50, 600); //setting size and location

//rectangle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
rect(500, 0, 50, 600); //setting size and location

//circles row 1

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 25, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 2

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 75, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 3

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 125, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 4

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 175, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 5

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 225, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 6

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 275, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 7

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 325, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 8

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 375, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 9

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 425, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 10

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 475, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 11

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 525, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circles row 12

//circle 1
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(25, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 2
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(75, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 3
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(125, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 4
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(175, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 5
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(225, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 6
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(275, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 7
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(325, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 8
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(375, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 9
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(425, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 10
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(475, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 11
fill(colorW); //setting fill to white
ellipse(525, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

//circle 12
fill(colorB); //setting fill to black
ellipse(575, 575, 50, 50); //setting size and location

moveW = mouseX/2;
moveH = moveW;

//movable circle
fill(0, 0, 255); //setting fill to blue
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, moveW, moveH); //setting size and location

//change background every time mouse pressed
void mousePressed() {
background(mouseX, mouseY, random(250)); //depends on mouse location

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Homework 2.2

int r=255;
int g=55;
int b=255;
boolean sunny;
float x=12.0;
float z;
float y=z+x;

– Ellington

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