Erick Asadobay H.W 4.2

part 1

<iframe width=”828″ height=”680″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=””></iframe>

part 2

MidTerm Project

Im planning on doing a maze where the player will have to click the mouse to draw a line through the maze to get to the end. To do this a will use some of the codes that we have learned in class, for example I will include mousePress for an interaction with the player, keyPress to clear the window if the player does something wrong, also during different stages the color or pictures of the background will change as the player get closer to the end of the game.

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Homework 4.2

//Terrance Shields — Prof. Calli Higgens — 1101 — HW 4.2 2/26

Code has been updated, image changes with the state of night and day.

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Homework 4.2 Part 2

For the midterm, I was thinking of doing a classic and simple pong game that allows for a 2-player interface. The background might have various images in tribute to other old 8-bit games. I am hoping to use switches to turn the game on and off.

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Homework 4.2 Part 1

Exact link below:

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Matthew Soto midterm proposal

When ask to come up with an idea for my midterm I wasn’t sure what to create. So I decided to make landscape of a city. The reason I chose to do a city landscape is because in the city there is so much I can do. For example have cars moving and stop at the stop light, people moving, and then make look bright like new york city. My goal for this project is to give people a sense of how living in the city looks like and how it looks in the day time and at night. In order to accomplish this I must put in the code to have people moving and some going up and the others going down. I also need a code to freeze the car as well as have the street light change from red to green. In terms of external images being used I can use it for billboards and signs of some of the businesses and even the back drop for night and day.

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Hw 4.2

This is my updated DRcar


For my midtermproject I was thinking either about recreating the snake game or a simple game where the person catches a jumping man.

for snake: void setup will only have the size. In void draw I am going to need some variables for square locations and an afterimage effect I am also going to need to use if statements for the “snake to grow longer and to let the player know if he/she lost and i need to use the random function to make the “food” come out randomly for the “snake” to eat. I also need to use key pressed to be able to move the “snake”.

for the walking man: I am not really sure how to approach this one. My idea was to have him walk horizontally across the screen and jump up in when he reached the middle of the screen. Then the person playing would catch him.


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Matthew Soto 2/26/13 HW the embedded version doesn’t seem to work

PImage myImage;
PImage myImage2;
void setup(){

void draw(){
image(myImage, 0, 0, 800, 800);
image(myImage2, 0, 700, 800,100);
fill(170, 0, 0);//House, fill in color
rect(350, 500, 302, 200);//Shape and positon of the house
stroke(0);//stroke of the roof
fill(129, 29, 29);//Color of the chimney
rect(400, 380, 30, 80);//shape and postion of the chimney,
fill(75, 75, 75);//color of the top part of chimney
triangle(500, 350, 650, 500, 350, 500);//shape and position of the roof
fill(222, 222, 222);//color of the left window
rect(380, 510, 50, 50);//Shape and position of the left window
fill(222, 222, 222);//color of the right window
rect(580, 510, 50, 50);//shape and postion of the right window
fill(106, 70, 41);//color of the door
rect(475, 630, 50, 70);//shape and position of the door
fill(49, 49, 49);//color of the upper part of the chimney
rect(385, 360, 60, 30);//shape and position of the upper part of the chimney

void keyPressed(){
tint(100, 100, 100);

void mousePressed(){


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Noah Ruede – HW 4.2

For some reason, the picture doesn’t show when I embed the program, but you can see the full thing here.

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homework 4.2~~jeremy~~

PImage ice;
int EW=100;
int EH=100;

float EY,EX,r,g,b,x,y,w,h;

boolean white=false;

void setup () {
size(600, 600);
size (1030,800);


void draw() {

fill(r, g, b);
rect(x, y, EW, EH);

EW=constrain(10, 10, 10);
void mousePressed() {
if (white) {
else {

// left click = whiter
//right click=black
//tried 2 reset 2 icecream….didnt go as plann 🙁

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