Category Archives: Uncategorized


Looking at midterm (Brick Breaker) im able to see that i could class two things which are the ball(thats moving ) and the paddle(which makes the ball bounce ) FIle was to large to post on openprocessing…it exceeded the 10 … Continue reading

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Homework 10.2

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Homework 10.2

my midterm project was a tic-tac-toe game. there were two objects throughout my code that i could have break down into classes which were the circles and squares. the rectangles i used to create the board i figured could not … Continue reading

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Homework 10.2

Because I Was Trying To Build Connect Four As My Midterm Project I Didnt Really Have That Many Different Objects To Build. The Grid Was Built Based On Rect So I Didn’t Really Think I Could Put That Into A … Continue reading

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Chris Pro HW 10.2   for some reason on open processing it shows my code as if it was all written on one tab, but i did in fact make 3 tabs all together. one for the code itself, one for the board … Continue reading

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Erick Asadobay H.W 10.2

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Homework 10.2

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homework 10.2

  link to openprocessing

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For the midterm my goal was to create a visual piece. So with that idea in mind I decided to make a cityscape filled with different things to make it life like such as cars moving, a plane flying above … Continue reading

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