Category Archives: Uncategorized

HW 12.1 – Final Project Plan

I’m still not sure if this is definitely what I want to do for my final, but it’s the best I’ve got for now. It would be a first-person perspective experience of driving a car in the rain.  I’m not … Continue reading

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H.W 12.1-

For my finals I would like to use my midterm project (Soccer game). And my intentions is to add more soccer players, key press functions to move the players across the field, add a Score functions, and finally add a … Continue reading

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HW 12.1

I was thinking about making one out of 2 games. My first idea was a game were the person uses the mouse to move a character left and right trying to avoid buildings that are coming from the background. But … Continue reading

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Erick Asadobay H.W 12.1

For the final i was thinking on creating a motorcycle game as “Lane Splitter” or an old but simple game as “Minesweeper”, im not sure yet but whether i decide to choose one or another i will try to incorporate … Continue reading

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Homework 12.1 Harry

for my final project i would like to continue from where i left off on my midterm. now with the help of arrays and object collision testing  i can add more to the game. such as when hitting borders the … Continue reading

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Homework 12.1 Jack’s “Final” Thought

As of right now, I was thinking of creating a platform game. I wouldn’t know how to go upon it, seeing that would mean I would need to create a class for a character that the player can control, as … Continue reading

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Matthew Soto Final Proposal

For my final I really want to something big. Something that can push me to use everything I have learned. I my idea was to make a shooting gallery game or racing game. Since I hope to have a job … Continue reading

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Chris Pro Homework 12.1

I think for my final project a good challenge for me would be one of those picture memory games (i dont know what they’re called). but i would have to set up an even amount of pictures face down in … Continue reading

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HW 12.1 Ashlee

I Honestly Cant Think Of A Game Or Animation, The Only Idea I Have Come Up With Is The Game Bejeweled .. But Most Likely I Would Change That Because The Concept Is Similar To The Midterm && I Want … Continue reading

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Homework 12.1

I’m torn between continuing my game (I have mad some major improvements to it and have some really good ideas to implement) and making something completely different. I might make a photo book and something a little bit more homely, … Continue reading

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