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Erick Asadobay H.W 4.2

part 1 <iframe width=”828″ height=”680″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=””></iframe> part 2 MidTerm Project Im planning on doing a maze where the player will have to click the mouse to draw a line through the maze to get to the end. To do … Continue reading

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Homework 4.2

//Terrance Shields — Prof. Calli Higgens — 1101 — HW 4.2 2/26 Code has been updated, image changes with the state of night and day.

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Homework 4.2 Part 2

For the midterm, I was thinking of doing a classic and simple pong game that allows for a 2-player interface. The background might have various images in tribute to other old 8-bit games. I am hoping to use switches to … Continue reading

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Homework 4.2 Part 1

Exact link below:

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Matthew Soto midterm proposal

When ask to come up with an idea for my midterm I wasn’t sure what to create. So I decided to make landscape of a city. The reason I chose to do a city landscape is because in the city … Continue reading

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Hw 4.2

This is my updated DRcar “”></iframe> For my midtermproject I was thinking either about recreating the snake game or a simple game where the person catches a jumping man. for snake: void setup will only have the size. In void … Continue reading

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Matthew Soto 2/26/13 HW the embedded version doesn’t seem to work

PImage myImage; PImage myImage2; void setup(){ size(800,800); myImage=loadImage(“beautiful_blue_sky_hd_picture_166005.jpg”); myImage2=loadImage(“st.-augustine.jpg”); } void draw(){ background(0); image(myImage, 0, 0, 800, 800); image(myImage2, 0, 700, 800,100); fill(170, 0, 0);//House, fill in color rect(350, 500, 302, 200);//Shape and positon of the house stroke(0);//stroke of the … Continue reading

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Noah Ruede – HW 4.2

For some reason, the picture doesn’t show when I embed the program, but you can see the full thing here.

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homework 4.2~~jeremy~~

PImage ice; int EW=100; int EH=100; float EY,EX,r,g,b,x,y,w,h; boolean white=false; void setup () { size(600, 600); ice=loadImage(“ice.jpg”); size (1030,800); image(ice,mouseX,mouseY,1024,768); } void draw() { //image(spiral,mouseX,mouseY,1024,768); r=random(255);{ g=random(255); b=random(255); x=random(1024); y=random(768); } fill(r, g, b); rect(x, y, EW, EH); EW=EW+1; EH=EH+1; … Continue reading

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