
DUE AT MIDNIGHT BEFORE NEXT CLASS (i.e., Wednesday, February 6 at 11:59pm )

Part 1 –

Read Learning Processing Chapter 3. PDF here.

Part 2 –

Download this broken code. There are 16 errors here. Fix all 16 so you can run a sketch that looks like this (note, the rectangle should follow the mouse). Upload the correct code to openProcessing.org and include a link to it in your blog post.


Part 3 – 

Continue to work on your sketch from last week. Reorganize your code to include setup and draw. Add variation to your sketch with mouseX, mouseY, mousePressed, and keyPressed.  Upload the new, interactive version to openProcessing and add a link to it in your blog post.

Note: If you decided to draw “Zoog” last week – the example from Learning Processing, you must create a new, unique drawing.

One Response to 2.1

  1. void setup() {
    size(400, 400);// window size
    background(255);// white background
    fill(255, 0, 0);// red color
    rect(200, 0, 200, 200);// red rectangle
    fill(0, 0, 255);// blue color
    rect(0, 200, 200, 200);// blue rectangle
    noStroke();// no outline for triangle’s
    fill(255, 0, 0);// red color
    triangle(100, 30, 50, 150, 150, 150);// red upward triangle
    triangle(50, 60, 150, 60, 100, 180);// red downward triangle
    fill(0, 0, 255);// blue color
    triangle(300, 230, 250, 350, 350, 350);// blue upward triangle
    triangle(250, 260, 350, 260, 300, 380);// blue downward triangle

    void draw(){

    void mousePressed(){
    rect(mouseX, mouseY, 30, 50);

    void mouseDragged(){
    triangle(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY, 200, 100);

    void keyPressed(){

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