Monthly Archives: April 2013

HW 10.2

This assignment is more difficult than I assumed I thought all I had to do was create a food class for my snake game class Food{ int xpos; int ypos; color c; Food(){ xpos = int(random(1,199)); ypos = int(random(1,199)); c … Continue reading

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Homework 10.2

So we were assigned to change one part of our midterm code into class, thus giving me to work with my pong code. Big mistake of my life to even start to try. My midterm was on pong, so I … Continue reading

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Looking at midterm (Brick Breaker) im able to see that i could class two things which are the ball(thats moving ) and the paddle(which makes the ball bounce ) FIle was to large to post on openprocessing…it exceeded the 10 … Continue reading

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Homework 10.2

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Homework 10.2

my midterm project was a tic-tac-toe game. there were two objects throughout my code that i could have break down into classes which were the circles and squares. the rectangles i used to create the board i figured could not … Continue reading

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Homework 10.2

Because I Was Trying To Build Connect Four As My Midterm Project I Didnt Really Have That Many Different Objects To Build. The Grid Was Built Based On Rect So I Didn’t Really Think I Could Put That Into A … Continue reading

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Chris Pro HW 10.2   for some reason on open processing it shows my code as if it was all written on one tab, but i did in fact make 3 tabs all together. one for the code itself, one for the board … Continue reading

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Erick Asadobay H.W 10.2

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Homework 10.2

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homework 10.2

  link to openprocessing

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