For my game I know the I going to need one object but a massive amount of arrays. First I would need an array of bullets. This array of bullets will be used to show the player the amount of bullets the they have left before they need to reload. The array will contain a total of six pictures of bullets and all have slightly different x’s and Y’s. The next array would be of the different target. The target of the main part of the have the game and target image will change for each level. Each target will have random x and y positions in order to give the illusion it is moving around and making it more difficult for the player. Each set of targets will contain different arrays for the different images. The one object that will be needed is the crosshair, which will guide the player as they move the mouse. Other than objects and arrays, I hope to add a life bar and a score count as well as add a sound every time the player would click the mouse.