Monthly Archives: March 2013


i really want it to be on something coming out of the screen like vivd dream i had or something diffrerent.

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Alyssa Seosankar – Midterm Project

At the moment I have no idea what to do my midterm project on 🙁

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Alyssa Seosankar – Prof. Higgins – HW 4.2 Part 1

//Alyssa Seosankar – Prof. Higgins – HW 4.2 Part 1 int eyeoutline = 3; int colorb = 0; PImage myImage; void setup(){ //Setting the window size size(500, 400); //Inserting image myImage = loadImage(“window.jpg”); } void draw() { //Background tint if(mousePressed){ … Continue reading

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Jad Atoui – Midterm project

I’m planing on creating an audio/visual interface that consists of making someone able to assign audio samples to multiple shapes and images . For audio : There will be a sine wave as a spectrum for the audio input , … Continue reading

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//fix the 16 errors void setup(){ size(200,200); } void draw() { background(0); fill(255); ellipse(100,175,50,50); line(300,300,400,400); rect(mouseX,mouseY,50,50); }

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//fix the 16 errors void setup(){ size(200,200); } void draw() { background(0); fill(255); ellipse(100,175,50,50); line(300,300,400,400); rect(mouseX,mouseY,50,50); }

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void setup() { size(500, 350); frameRate(15); } int x=0; void draw() { x=x+5; if (x>550) {x=0;} background(0); ellipse(x,175,50,50); }

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float x= 200; float y= 200; float speed = 2; void setup(){ size(200,200); smooth(); } void draw(){ background(0); x = x + speed; ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,20,20); }

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