Monthly Archives: February 2013

Noah Ruede – Midterm project idea

Subject to change as it’s kind of dumb and juvenile as something tells me I could do better. There would be two buttons on the bottom, one with a forward arrow and the other with a back arrow.   The user … Continue reading

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Homework 4.2 Part 2

My midterm is still a work in progress, I’m still not sure what I’d like to do…..

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4.1 HW

*Missing A Few Things Couldnt Figure It Out* 4.1 HW _Ashlee Frontin   int x = 50; int y = 50; int w = 25; int h = 25; int x2 = 10; int y2 = 50; int w2 = … Continue reading

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homework 4.1

//tried my best but there seems to be an error(s). Stuck on the freezing ball theorem.   int x=300; int speed=2; boolean button=false; void setup(){ size(600,600); } void draw(){ background(mouseX,mouseY); noStroke(); if (button) { x=x; } fill(mouseX,121,30); rect(x,200,100,100); if(x > … Continue reading

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Noah Ruede – HW 4.1

EDIT: Figured it out and fixed it. int ax =300; int ay =200; int bx=300; int by=0; int cx=300; int cy=500; int w=100; int h=100; int aspeed = 1; int bspeed =1; int cspeed=1; boolean ccol; boolean freeze; boolean aclk; … Continue reading

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Homework 4_1

//Terrance Shields – Prof. Calli Higgins – HW 4.1 – 2/21/13 boolean square = true; boolean ball = true; boolean quad = true; int bgChange = 0; int bgColor = 255; color green = color(28, 198, 14); color blue = … Continue reading

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Nafis Sabir HW 4.1

This isn’t finished. I was having a really hard time trying to figure out how to get the ball/mouse location correct, among other things. I was having such a hard time locking that down, I didn’t even try to wrap … Continue reading

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Erick Asadobay H.W 4.1

int cx=10; int cy=10; int cw=100; int ch=100; int x=150; int y=150; int x1=150; int y1=150; int w=100; int h=100; int w1=100; int h1=100; int speed=2; int state=0; boolean rec=false; boolean rac=false; boolean sun=false; void setup() { size(400, 400); } … Continue reading

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Matthew Soto 2/20/13 Hw 4.2

int x= 1; int speed= 1; float y= 200; float w= 100; float h= 100; int state=0; boolean button= false; void setup(){ size(800, 800); } void draw(){ background(0); if (button){ x=x; } else{ x= x+speed; } fill(255); rect(x, 200, 100, … Continue reading

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homework week 4.2

int x=100; int speed=5; boolean freeze=false; int y=100; int w=50; int h=50; int t=100; int p=50; int r, g, b;   void setup() { size(400, 400); } void draw () { background(255); if (freeze) { x = x; } else … Continue reading

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