Monthly Archives: February 2013

homework 1.2 part 2

//Thomas Wu-Prof. Calli Higgins-2/1/13-Assignment 1.2 size(400,400);//sets window size ellipseMode(CENTER); //set ellipse to center mode noStroke();//shape has no outline fill(255,0,0);//set red color rect(0,0,200,200);//uno rectangle fill(0,0,255);//set color blue rect(0,200,200,200);//2nd rectangle fill(0,255,0);//set color green rect(200,0,200,200);//3rd rectangle fill(113,121,115);//Set color to grey rect(200,200,200,200);//4th rectangle stroke(0);//stroke … Continue reading

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Homework 1.2 part 2 by Reno Abraham

void setup(){ size(400,400); noStroke(); fill(250,0,0); rect(0,0,200,200); fill(0,0,250); rect(0,200,200,200); fill(0,250,0); rect(200,0,200,200); fill(153); rect(200,200,200,200); stroke(0); strokeWeight(4); fill(255,255,255,210); ellipse(200,200,100,100); // size of the pixels // make the rectangle have no outline // rectangle on the left corner and color red // another rectangle … Continue reading

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H.W – 1.2

Part #2 Erick Asadobay size(400,400); //Sets the size of 400 by 400 pixels noStroke(); //Invisible line around the figure fill(255,0,0); //Fill the figure with red color rect(0,0,200,200); //Square 200 by 200 fill(0,255,0); //Fill the figure with green color rect(200,0,400,200); //Square … Continue reading

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Homework 1.2

Geremias Blanco //making size 400×400 size(400,400); //making red rect size/cords (0,0,200,200) fill(255,0,0); rect (0,0,200,200); //making blue rect size/cords (0,200,200,200) fill (0,0,255); rect(0,200,200,200); //making green rect siz/cord (200,0,200,200) fill(0,255,0); rect (200,0,200,200); // making gray rect size/cord (200,200,200,200) fill(126,122,122); rect(200,200,200,200); // making … Continue reading

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