Introduction – Christopher Mena

Hello everyone, my name Christopher Mena. I am currently a full-time student at the New York City College of Technology majoring in Computer Science. Computer Science has always been my passion, but not my first choice. I decided to start Computer Engineering, after many ups and let down, I decided that I would only pursue something that would truly make me happy. I am a very friendly person, who loves going on hiking and explore nature. I love animals and I’m always excited to meet new species. I am very good at swimming and like very much the cold weather. While all of these sound amazing, I am extremely shy at occasions, but once I’m used to an environment, you’ll see the best of me. Statistics is a fundamental area not only for my career but also to the specialization I’m aiming for, which is AI and Data Science. Data Science and AI are both disciplinary fields that uses scientific methods to analyze large amounts of data in various forms that can be either structured or unstructured. With large amount of data is possible to train an AI to take critical decisions that would otherwise be too complex for humans being to analyze all at once. Statistics would play an incredible role is the development of such algorithms capable of dissecting large amount of data and transforming into coherent for both humans and computers to work with.

Pa Dominic Loppy

My name is Dominic Loppy, I’m a transfer student from LaGuardia Community College. At my former school I decided to major in civil engineering. Now I decided to major in electrical engineering technology because I have the notion that electrical engineering technology will pave the way for me to be able to serve more people in my community. I have no doubt electrical engineering is equally challenging as civil engineering, but I want to be more involved in the near future on a daily bases in satisfying the needs of my community and I hope electrical engineering technology will create ample room for this.

I decided to take statistic and probability because is part of my major requirement, besides the class also provide basic knowledge and skills in data organization and management which is a good skills in handling certain electrical problems. I hope to acquire all the skills that is necessary from this class at the end of this semester.

Outside the academic curriculum I also love to travel, gym, play soccer and listening to music to stay on balance. I love doing things that are more challenging in life, this is why I decided to venture into the field of engineering. I also have a dream of going into the medical field after graduating with a degree in electrical engineering.

Introduction: Isatu Jalloh

Hello everyone,

My name is Isatu Jalloh, I am a full time student at New York City College of Technology. I am majoring in biomedical informatics. After four years I will go for physician assistant program. A PA is a path that can fulfill my desire to be a doctor in less expensive way. It is a way where I can feel the satisfaction of helping someone but in a different way. A kind of help that will be felt by the giver and receiver life long. Being a PA is an opportunity to try many fields such as pediatrics, surgery, geriatrics, etc. It is a way where I do not have to devote all my time to my job but to my soon to be beautiful family as well. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family, friends, cooking and travelling. This summer, I visited Germany, France, Belgium.

Knowledge of statistic and probability are needed for informatics research such as decision support system evaluation, understanding the barriers electronic medical record implementation, information retrieval. Knowledge of statistics is important for research studies and understanding the findings in the biomedical informatics literature and scientific presentations. I hope to learn the material needed for this class at the end of this semester.


Hello my name is madhabi shill. I am a transfer student from BMCC. My major is Biomedical Informatics. I have choose this major to peruse my career in the medical field. Biomedical informatics applies to the interdisciplinary field seeking to study and the advance use of biomedical data. It also involve scientific study and outlining the best path to improve human health by using the data. Statics and probability is very essential for biomedical informatics fields and they both overlap each other analyzing the data in the areas of biology, public health and medicine.

Introduction 1372

Hello, my name is Kayla Lewis and I am a sophomore and a full time student at the New York City College of Technology. I want to obtain my associate’s degree in two years and in order to do so I need to take this class, that’s why this course is so important to me. My major is Liberal Arts & Sciences. I’m not sure about what field I want to study in but, I know that learning statistics will only provide me with more opportunities for my future professional career. As for me personally, I love traveling to different countries and states, being around animals, trying new food places, and hanging out with my friends.

Introduction- Evelyn Ordonez

Hello my name is Evelyn Ordonez. This is the last class I will be needing to graduate with my associates in Liberal arts and Sciences. I enjoy playing tennis on my free time, road trips, traveling whenever I get the chance. Watching movies, trying different kinds of foods, just overall having a fun time with friends. To further my career I will be transferring out with my associates and pursuing diagnostic medical imaging. Statistics and probability play a major role in any Healthcare field. It is very beneficial in order to summarize the utility and efficiency . It is used to keep hospitals organized and run smoothly. Health care providers try their best to provide great service. So Analyst map the growth & viability of a healthcare company using statistical data gathered over time to help measure future outcomes.


Hello! My name is Javana Smith. I am currently a senior at New York City College Of Technology. My major is Medical Informatics. I chose this major as a prerequisite for physical therapy school because NYC College of Technology doesn’t have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sciences program. My desire is to become a physical therapist because I enjoy watching and playing all different types of sports. Hopefully, one day I’ll work for the NFL or national Olympics team.

Statistics with probability is always important in healthcare. It is crucial for research, patients evaluation, health insurer and pharmaceutical companies. For example, a medical informatician would have to store, analyze and manage a mass number of data to improve the healthcare system.

Statistic with Probability Blog

Hello, I am Nadia Gordon. I am a transfer student at City Tech, my major is Biomedical Informatics. Which is the study of informatics on a  cellular and molecular level, but it mostly focus on genomes. It mostly applies to human health. I chose Biomedical Informatics as my major because I really want to be a vet, there are certain protein animals have that a human body does not. Statistic with probability plays into my major because in science we use statistical tests to determine if what we are researching applies to the population and help make prediction about the population.

Introduction: Sheldon Fraser

Hello, my name is Sheldon Fraser. I am currently a full time student at New York City College of Technology and my major is Electrical Engineering Technology. To tell you a little bit about myself I enjoy playing sports, reading, and traveling. During my free time I like to check out videos on new technical innovations because it often sparks my interest. Since I was younger I’ve always had a passion for electronics including game consoles, cellphones, and more. I chose Electrical engineering as my major because I like working with my hands and would love to learn all there is about electronics/electricity. Statistics with probability plays a role in my career path because it is a quite useful subject. It can help me analyze results over a period, or over a range of results for given parameter.