Author Archives: Mamadou Bah

Good Evening Everyone,

My Name is Mamadou Bah, and my major is electrical engineering. Electrical engineering is a major that I am attach to because it is fundamental to our today’s survival. we cannot live without electricity, so i am passionate to know it better. throughout my studies, I have learned that i cannot be an engineer without being a good mathematician. therefore, I have take multiple required math classes. and this semester I am taking statistics and probability because it is required. This class is really important in electrical engineering because most of the classes require graphs to show real explanations of data and analysis. In  circuit analysis, we need graphs of Voltages Versus currents, Currents Vs. resistances, voltage vs. Periods, and ect… we use scatter plots to show how data are distributed in a graph and this is taught in statistics. thus this is really important for my major, so i am will to learn more about it.