Author Archives: Ramel German

Assignment #2

This graph shows Nations around the world’s average time spent eating per-day in comparison to their obesity  rate. While the Turkish spend more time eating per-day than the others their obesity rate is fair. The United States on the other hand spend about 100minutes less eating per-day than the Turkish and has the lowest time out of all the other Nations, but our obesity rate is the highest.

How Math Relates To My Career

When you’re a sales person mathematics plays a very important role in acquiring money. Developing a statistical level of thinking will enable me to know when its the right time to sell a certain product based on the market but also when not to sell products. Having a higher lever of mathematical understanding will help me know how to understand how to predict a businesses future based on statistics that they have from the past. That edge can allow me to propose a product to avoid a unwanted outcome gaining me extra commission.