Author Archives: Anne Christelle Duchemin

quantitive reasoning student survey

My name is Anne Duchemin , my major is Marketing Management and I am a transfer from St. Johns University . I am currently still a freshman. I would use to class to utilize my math skills and imply them in marketing strategies that include price, and target market. This class to me is an overview of math i have learned in high school. I use quantitive resigning in everyday life when I’m counting money, or figuring out if my bossed payed me enough for all the hours i worked. In reviewing the syllabus i think the most useful part i will apply to my everyday life is rates. Being a marketing major i need to understand the constant changed of demographics and the economy.

assg #2 by Anne Duchemin

my first post had some faults i decided to post something different

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this graph was taken from the article ” Obesity: Are we food Obsessed?”
the hyperlink is >>

This post illustrates results from a research engine and scientific articles that correlate with health, more importantly food and exercise . The article itself explains the addiction to keeping up and understand what we eat . The article also ask a question to why people were more concerned about food related topics then actual physical activity. A hypothesis that I’ve come with is that people now are more concerned about being healthy without actually have to do any workouts. Being in such a technological advanced society , I’ve come to my own conclusion that being physically active had decreased as more people become effectuated with the world wide web. Unfornatly this is just an acusition I’ve come up with from personal opinion; however this can be a possible answer to the articles question ,