Number of HIV infections per year and per age group


The number of Cases of HIV/AIDS per year per age group

This graph represents data collected over  four year periods combined together, and published 2008, based on compiled information of infections within certain age demographics. The information within this chart shows the actual amount of new infections as oppose to collected data over the course of the life span of this illness.

I have never really paid much attention to graphs before but I noticed that not only does this graph break down the amount of infectious cases per year it also binds those data markers together under a four year age bracket; which is all in clear color coded detail while being placed together. Not to mention the information that the graph portrays is frightening. Be safe all and stay well.

One response to “Number of HIV infections per year and per age group

  1. It is astonishing to see that thirteen year old kids are part of the sample! The age range with the most infections are 25-45 year old people. HIV is a major disease that affects many worldwide. Most are ashamed to talk about HIV. Many are ignorant to essential information that could help them learn about a major epidemic. This graph assignment provided me with lots of info. I even visited the website to learn more about the organization. They work hard to promote safe sex, testing and awareness.

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