Monthly Archives: February 2015

Math and My Career



Being a nurse my career is riddled with math. Everyday medication dosages need to be checked and calculated correctly before giving patients medications. An error in medication calculation can result in a patient receiving to much or too little of a medication. Another way math is utilized is by measuring vital signs such as blood pressure (with the blood pressure machine seen above) and see trending data for a specific patient in the form of a graph. This ensures the treatment for example an antihypertensive medication is effective or not, which then require the patients treatment regimen to be adjusted accordingly. So math is a major part of my career and i couldn’t see myself doing anything else, so math also becomes a part of my life.

How does math relate to my future career

Math is used every day in our lives. My future career as a dental hygienist I will be using math on a daily basis. Some of which include counting teeth, ordering supplies, paying workers, and setting costs. Math is also geometry, so identifying the shape of tools for between teeth are included. Also by needing to make model teeth sometimes, dental hygienists need to know what to mix, for example two ounces of a substance, and 4 cups of another substance to get it just right to make molds.


How math relates to my future career

imageMy major is Marketing and in the future I want to be a market research analyst.Market research analysts use math everyday as they perform many tasks such as analyze statistical data on past sales to predict future sales, gather data on competitors and analyze prices, sales, and methods of marketing and distribution, devise methods and procedures for collected data. Evaluate product and consumer data and make recommendations to the firm’s management or client so that decisions can be made on the promotion, distribution, design, and pricing of goods and services.

what does math have to do with nursing

when calculating dosages nurses must calculate the numbers of pills to administer. when converting between systems nurses must convert pounds into kilograms and they must also calculate the proper drip rate needed in a bag of antibiotics.

Fabiola Cabrera        imgres

How math relates to my everyday life and future career By: Megan Rampersad

Next Spring I will be graduating with my Liberal Arts degree and moving onto a Bachelors degree program to become an educator for grades K-12. Being an educator requires a lot of mathematical critical thinking. Grade school teachers as well as college professors use math when they calculate grades, budget cost supplies,estimate time to complete tasks, and especially when they teach it! I use math in my everyday life when I am at work. I work as a science teacher for an after school program Samuel Field Y. I do a lot of experiments with my students and it requires math in almost every lesson. We use it by making measurements and dividing into equal groups according to amount of supplies. Math is a major factor for my future career as well as my everyday life.IMG_4270

How math relates to my future career By: christina iacono

In the next couple of years, I plan to have my associates and certification in Dental Hygiene. I am currently taking my pre-requisites and plan to be in the program by September 2016. Math is used everyday and is a huge part of dental hygiene. The most common type of math used are basic calculations. For example: A Dental Hygienist takes x-rays in a persons mouth of their teeth. Each x-ray has a certain price, as does a cleaning; which a dental hygienist also performs. In this case, you would need basic addition to find out how much each patient owes for that specific visit. This is a mathematical situation that a Dental Hygienist would deal with daily.

How does math relate to my everyday life.

I work as a cashier at a local store, and I use mathematics on a daily basis. I need to do my jobs fast and efficiently, so the line does not get too long, and people pay the correct amount and receive the appropriate change. I cannot take too long in these basic calculations, so being able to do math has become a big part of my life.

(Explain how mathematics relates to my career) by: Rebecca Moore

My major is Liberal arts but I’m going to change it into nursing. Right now I’m taking pre-requisites classes to get into the nursing program.Nurses use math and numbers everyday in the work field.They have to calculate drugs and medications for their patient. They take their patient body weight, heart and pulse rate. They tell their patient how much fluids they should take, also they have to be skilled in calculating conversions and calculating mixed solutions.

Assignment #1 (explain about how Mathematics relates to my career) by: Meizhu Deng

         I am now taking the prerequisite courses. Whatever my mayor is, my future career will be related to real estate because I am strongly interested in it. And mathematics is the must knowledge in real estate. The survey, metes and bounds, tax, assessment, listing price, loan and commission are the procedures in which numbers and computing are involved. Obviously, it is necessary and common to apply mathematics in real estate. In order to do good job in the field of real estate, I should work hard at this course and learn it well because mathematics is the way to my successful future career. A simple example in real estate is shown as follows:

      Jeffrey buys an investment property for $500,000. The depreciation during the years of ownership is $150,000. He sells the property for $650,000. How much should he pay for the recaptured depreciation tax and the capital gains tax?

Step1.The adjusted cost basis=500,000-150,000=350,000($)

Step2. Capital gains=650,000-350,000=300,000($)

Step3. Recaptured depreciation tax=depreciation x  25%federal tax rate


Step4. Capital gains tax = the remainder of his capital gains x15%    maximum capital gains tax rate.

                                                  = (300,000-150,000) x15%=22,500($)


How does math relate to my everyday life? By Kiyanni W.

My major is Hospitality and Management, so I’m surround by customers and math. If it’s dealing with payroll or forecasting or even budgeting my companies expenses, math is apart of that. Math is also apart of my everyday life, I like to bake so everything has to be measured and weighed. So weather I’m home or at work math is apart of my everyday life….

I took a lot of measuring cups to make these pies... :)

I took a lot of measuring cups to make these pies… 🙂