Writing for the Public

Author: Yadira (Page 2 of 2)


       It was like any other ordinary day. At home with my mother and her godmother. I was sitting on the couch on my phone, while my mother and her godmother were cooking. Later my mother’s godmother came to me asking for help for something she didn’t know how to function on her phone. After helping her she thanked me and told me you should always be “entuyete”. At first I was confused not only because I never heard that word before but also because I didn’t really know so much Spanish at that time. My mothers god godmother is a very wise woman. She is actually someone I look up to apart from my parents. She has been like another mother for me, she has guided me with many wise words and phrases in my life. 

       Entuyete was a word she caught me. It means keep learning. Later she elaborated more on the definition. Which was great because at first the word didn’t really seem important to me. She told me how she notices me observing and learning everything around me. Whether I’m on my phone, or at home, or when I’m outside. Everything I see I gain a bit more information about. Which was interesting because I actually never noticed it before. Although you might think it’s something obvious but it’s actually not, because it’s something you don’t realize doing. Listening to her about how I absorb everything  new around me and adding it to my knowledge. Seemed very important and interesting to hear. 

       However, she also explained how it is an important quality to have as a person. Mostly because not everyone can learn and understand as quickly as others. Also take away certain information from viewing. Which is something that’s going to help you a lot in the future. Although I didn’t really believe it at first, which I thought to myself because sometimes it takes me some time to understand certain things. Well that’s what I thought. I have always considered myself as a slower person. Meaning I won’t generally get anything right away. On the other hand my mothers god mother was a wise woman. I would actually call her a bruja. Meaning a witch because sometimes she knew things that would happen before it even happens. On one side I believed her but on another side just because I know myself I couldn’t fully believe her. After her explaining in depth the meaning of the word it was still a little confusing to understand. Which is why I stand with I’m not a fast learner. Although entuyete was a very unique and interesting word, which is why it stuck to me. 

On the next day, I couldn’t stop thinking about that word and how she defined me with it . Which got me thinking, do I really absorb new information around me and get something new out of it. Meaning I actually do learn a lot from my surroundings, which I actually never realized before which was mind blowing. I remember this time I was working and I was being taught how to use the register for the first time. It was so much information at once that I had to learn and process. I was very overwhelmed and so nervous because I didn’t want to make any mistakes. Shocking after my shift was over and being at the register the whole time, I actually did great. Not to say so myself my manager actually congratulated me for doing an excellent job for my first at the register. I realized my nervousness of me committing any mistakes actually pushed me to not. Meaning I took in all this information and pushed myself to exceed in  what I was supposed to do at work. Then I remember that word my mothers god mother told me entuyete, which is exactly what I did. Took everything I learned and focused on it to help me do my task.

Since then it’s been a word I use till this day. Everytime I remember it, it makes me be more aware of everything around me and see what new information I can take out of and apply to my knowledge. Which is actually very interesting to do because you get to analyze wherever you are and you actually get  a lot of new information that  comes to your mind. Later you’ll get a piece of information or an idea of something you never thought of before. Also it’s helped me a lot because it has also made me become a wise young woman for my age. Which I’m very grateful for my mothers godmother in teaching this word and it’s meaningful definition. Although the word might seem simple but has an amazing definition and gave me a whole different look of perspective in my educational life and in life in general.

Lastly, entuyete has been a word that I haven’t ever heard outside from my family members. Meaning not a lot of people know this word and if they do they most likely know Spanish because it is a Spanish language word. However it’s a very rare word because not even my spanish friends know about it or even heard of it before. Although this word has helped me on what I’m determined to learn by just thinking about it. It’s like an extra push for yourself to take any new knowledge thrown your way and absorb it and use it for future references. Which really comes in handy because everything you learn every day might not seem important but for sure will be in the future. I have personally noticed things that you learn from the past come up in the future. Which it’s so helpful because having all that knowledge stored up for whenever you need it. Which is why entuyete is keep learning because it is never too much to learn.

Homework #2

When Mike Bunn writes in his article “ You are already an author” it means that we are our own authors. Yes of course we haven’t sold out books or either well recognized. However, that’s not all to what authors actually are. Authors are not only people who write books. But also are people who write whether it’s for a homework assignment or for research. It doesn’t have to be necessarily because you wrote a book. But because you’re the author for every writing piece you have written. You choose every word, sentence, and what writing strategies to use in your witting. For example, I have written many essays for high school. Most of these essays are done after we finish reading a book. The reason why teachers assigned these essays is to see if we have actually read and paid attention to the book. Which makes sense because the more we read the more will improve our writing skills. Now all those books and articles I have read have helped me in developing my writing skills. This will allow me to succeed in my reading and writing career path. 

According to Mike Bunn’s article, reading how the author wrote and seeing how he/she influences us readers by the choices the author has made in their writing. This is actually a writing technique I have learned and use in all my writing pieces. Which is also a reason why I actually take longer to write. Mostly because I like to give my best in every piece of writing I do. Which is why I actually go through those choices that a writer has to make. Meaning like using certain techniques or using specific wording that can help my writing skill. Just like in Mike Bunn articles, the way he used certain words and writing skills to make us readers understand he’s point of view. I really hope this would help my writing improve a lot. Also will help the reader understand my writing. 

Homework #1

        Both “Zayn Malik and the Songs that Bring us to Prayer” article and the video unlearning my name are very similar. Hanif and Mohamed both are uncomfortable when it comes to the pronunciation of their names. Also because of the assumptions people get right away from hearing their names. Which non-a-days in society with just hearing or seeing your name automatically start assumes the type of person you are. This is actually an issue in our society, we don’t have the right to judge people based on their names. Most important make them feel uncomfortable for how it’s pronounced or written or any type of way. 

My name is Yadira and I was born and raised in queens New York. Although I’m part Hispanic because my parents are from Ecuador. However, personally I haven’t been through many unwanted moments due to my name. The only two moments I can remember that I have come across have been people assuming I’m Indian and the pronunciation of my name. The pronunciation of my name has always been an issue just because sometimes it’s difficult to say it.  Which can also be understanding because different names are unique and not common and aren’t often heard. On the other hand, it doesn’t make it okay to assume how I am as a person just because of my name and how different it may be. Can result offensive at a certain point, mostly because these situations happen when I was a child. Situations like these stick with you and create insecurities. Up to a point where I wanted to change my name to a more common and simple name. Over the time I have released what I didn’t before how important my name was. Also the beautiful meaning of how my name was picked out. Understanding the history of my name has made me overcome my insecurities of my name that were created from these uncomfortable moments.

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