Writing for the Public

Author: Rakib (Page 5 of 5)

Discourse community

Discourse communities are everywhere, and you might not even know it. A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of goals, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. Discourse plays a very important role in how we live our lives and communicate effectively.  When asked about a community I reside in, I immediately think of the group shared by my friends and me. My discourse community has three members. It’s me and my two other friends and their name is Abu and Raihan. My discourse community was made when I was in my second year of high school. When I met my friends, we never thought we will be friends. Because we were always against each other.

All that changed when we went to a high school trip. In that trip we had to do assignment together and all three of us were in the same group. that was the first time we had to work together. When we started to work together, we realized we’re not that different. Our interests and goals were the same. We all wanted to graduate high school and go to college. All three of us wanted to do good in high school. After coming back from the trip, we became friends. we started to do our homework together. We would help each other with our homework are any other problems we had.

The most important word in my discourse community it’s simple it’s just help. Whenever we need help, we just ask each other and if we didn’t know the answer, we would just find it together. I graduated my high school mostly because of them. When I was in high school, I was really lazy. Mostly I didn’t do my homework or any of my assignments. But when they became my friends, they helped me through it. They always pushed me to do my homework and they always helped me whenever I needed it. we used to say that if we graduate, we would graduate together, if we went to college we would go to college together, And we will help each other to achieve our goals.

Once we were attending summer college. it was a program for high school students. it helped them to get college credits. In that program we had swimming every day. And I love swimming and I basically joined the summer class because of that and also because of the trips. One day when we were learning how to swim I kind of when to the deep side of the swimming pool by mistake because I was way too excited and I kind of underestimated swimming. I thought it was easy Bart I was wrong, and I realized it when I went to the deep part of the swimming pool. I was about to drown, and I thought my life was over, but my friend Raihan came and saved me.

I remember when I was a high school senior, I started coming late to school every single day. I had missed 2/3 classes every single day. And because of that my grades were going down, and I missed most of my assignments and my teachers told me that if I keep going like that, I had not graduated that year. But my friends they were going to graduate and when they learned that I’m not going to graduate they pushed me to come to school on time and they also help me to finish my assignments. And at the end just because of them I was about to graduate.


Now we graduated high school we’re in the same college and we did it by helping each other. It’s been six years of our friendship and the biggest reason we were in this friendship because we all needed help. Now we still depend on each other and to me they were my biggest help for my high school and my college and even problems outside of high school and college.

I think everyone a know the world help. But now days most of us don’t really help each other. And sometimes instead of helping each other we of us do harm to each other.  But if we all come together and truly help each other the world would be a much better place. We could help countries who doesn’t have water. we can help people who doesn’t have food. help is a universal word everyone knows the meaning of it, and I think all of us should do it as much as we can.

If I could publish this essay I don’t really know where I would actually publish it. because it’s just about me and my friends helping each other. But if I had to publish it are you published in Newsela. Because I read many stories there when I was in high school. And I think high schoolers could learn the value a friendship and help. and true friendship will stay with them for rest of their life and it will help them every single time they are in trouble.

Homework 1

I am from Bangladesh. It’s been almost seven years since I came to this country. My name is Rakib Bepary. But it used to be different. When I was in Bangladesh my name was Rumi Rayhan. I never liked the first part of my name Rumi, my friends used to tease me about it because Rumi name was mostly used for girls.  But I used to love the second part of my name Rayhan. Its meaning is a flower of heaven. I always felt ashamed to say my first name, but I proudly said my last name. My name was changed by my parents when we were moving to the U.S.A because they thought in this country it would be easier for people to say Rakib Bepary than Rumi Rayhan. I was happy and sad both at the same time because I was able to get rid of Rumi but I missed Rayhan. And after that, I got stuck with Rakib Bepary. Now I am used to it and I like my name. But I still prefer that people call me Rayhan.

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