Writing for the Public

Author: Rakib (Page 4 of 5)

Unit 2 homework

Palm oil is a big part of our life. We use it in almost every product in our daily life. “ According to one analysis, from 1990 to 2010 9.6 million hectares of land were converted land was converted to industrial to industrial palm oil farms  in Indonesia, Malaysia and papua new Guinea.”. They convert those jangles by burning trees which releases tons of co2 into the air. Then that co2 goes up in our atmosphere and it traps the sunlight which makes our earth warmer and warmer. And this causes climate change.

Unit 2 Research

In this unit, I would like to talk about climate change or racism. Climate change and racism effects all kind of discourse community. I want to choose climate change because I want to show the world how climate change is affecting our daily lives and how it’s affecting our world. And I want you to talk about racism because it’s been going on for a long and some of us in this community have to face it every day. I would also like to talk about The Muslim community. nowadays Muslim religion is misunderstood most people think it’s a violent religion. but they are totally wrong. Islam is a peaceful religion and I know it because I am a Muslim myself. for now, that’s all I want to talk about.

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