Writing for the Public

Author: Mario (Page 2 of 9)

Unit#3 -Comic- Nutshell

The topic of my comic is how hard it was to focus and manage my time while in quarantine while at the same time dealing with a sick family member, and i decided to write about it because i believe that a lot of people are able to connect with what happened to me specially with the time management. And this is a problem that doesn’t just affect me, it also affects a lot of college students that are going through this and I believe this kind of helps them that they are not alone and that more people are in the same situation as them.


homework for Tues- our progress

I will not be showing my comic because it is not done and i don’t know if people would like it but i have made some progress like i have completely change the topic of my comic instead of how hard managing my time was, i will now be talking about what i went through when a member of my family got sick with covid and i have also already make 5 slides of my comic by using canva.

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