Writing for the Public

Author: Julia Pasato (Page 2 of 6)

Unit 3: Final

My topic addresses mental health, in my case how I deal with my depression and anxiety by seeing a therapist and a phycologist. Writing about this topic is extremely important to me because it seems as if I can’t explain it, I think if I talk about it I’ll be able to understand myself better and perhaps even heal. During my research of this topic I saw a question that asked why is everyone depressed now it made me think about how people see depressed people as lazy whiny losers who can’t get get their life together, in my case some of my family members think that I’m not trying hard enough or that I shouldn’t see a psychologist because it’s for “crazy” people, I went anyway and I haven’t looked back. 


Unit 3: Homework

  1. In the past year, I’ve been trying to heal from past trauma that I’ve repressed and have been addressing my mental health to understand myself better. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety back in November and since then I’ve experienced a wide range of emotions and have been in therapy to work through it, it’s been quite helpful I am extremely grateful for the help I’ve received. I’ve been wanting to talk to a therapist for over 3 years now it wasn’t until March when I realized that I needed help and after September I began to take it more seriously. I’ve always felt this constant worry which then leads to overthinking and panic attacks. I don’t trust myself which isn’t ideal when the one person you always have is yourself. 
  2. I intend to talk about my own experience with depression and anxiety, from the numbness to the burst of energy that I don’t fully trust, living in my depression room, not taking care of my mind and body, loss of appetite, lack of sleep or too much sleep, etc. Basically my perspective with living with depression and anxiety in a lonely period of time in my life. The downfall I’ve noticed in the last couple of years to now. 
  3. I would like to explore the idea of creating a poem and making a film out of it or creating a podcast where I talk to my family about their mental health, more specifically my mother since she’s also been dealing with depression and anxiety for the majority of her life. She’s been someone with who I can have an honest conversation about how I feel, she listens to me, other people in my life have told me to get over it, just move forward without healing. 
  4. My concerns relate to how I am going to go about the conversation or how I should articulate my words, I don’t want to seem like a whiny person I just want to be completely honest and vulnerable.
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