Names are given to us, sometimes even before we are born. So I believe it is hard to just identify yourself based on just your name. For this reason, I support anybody that what’s to change their birth name. In the article by Willis-Abdurraqib and the videos that was played both guys have this perspective of not liking their names because of the mispronunciation they have experienced and the fact that they constantly have to explain to people how to pronounce it. But throughout their story they accept and love their name because of the meaning behind it or the story of how their name came to be. I feel like in today’s society having a unique name could cause negative responses or make the person feel like an outsider. But that makes the person stand out. 

My name is Evelyn, my parents picked this name out of spanish reality TV show. I like my name better in spanish because it sounds more femine and girly, than it does in english. In english I feel like my name sounds hursh. But the good side of this name is that I get a lot of nicknames out if it, my co workers or friends use evie, evv, eve, el. I’m not that person that will correct or tell someone to call me a different name, like for example my HS teacher always called me Martinez,which is my last name and I was okay with that. One day in starbucks the worker wrote my name as Evalin and I found it nice and interesting because I didn’t know that my name could have been spelled like that. I come from a Mexican background, and I am proud of my roots because the mexican culture is very beautiful and the traditions are very special to my family.