Writing for the Public

Author: Bryan Moreno (Page 6 of 8)

Unit 2- Proposal Bryan Moreno

In this unit I would like to talk about “Sexual harassment” were is a big problem in society that no one is making a change and is happening in places that it shouldn’t be for example at work, public transportation and more. Some of things I can research is about How can we stop this problem? are people inform how bad is sexual harassment? The percentage of how bad the cases are?

Homework #1 Unit 2

I would like to research the next topics discrimination, sexual harassment and in my opinion the most recently one police brutality. Why I want to do research about this topic is because this are some serious problem in the community and is affecting everyone and I would like to a research about it so can find a solution to this problem or so I can help people be aware of this problem. For example discrimination, a lot of people go throw this everyday in any place for example people like me because we are from different places, color skin, speak different language, etc is getting worse and is it can affect our lives emotionally and psychical were in some cases people are killing themself or others are killing them. Sexual harassment is getting common to people which they are not doing nothing about and its getting worse day by day this can happen everywhere for example in work places, schools, trains, buses, etc this shows we need to improve our security and thanks to the lack of the right of people meaning there’s no punishment to those that abusing other in vocal and psychical ways that can affect their safety and their mental health in common places where people should feel secure and places that they can trust people with respect. Police brutally is one of the biggest problem lately and the people are afraid to speak up because is the own law the are killing us because we are different I can say this is influence by racism and I want to research to improve this unfair laws that are involving innocent civilians from the police that are using wrongfully the power that they have on us because they are the law and they are able to have guns with them. In my opinion this topics are important because is affecting our day to day and there’s no change meaning that not a lot of  people don’t know what’s going on and this my reason why I want to do this research so I can inform people and with the help of those could make a grater change in society and with the help of my research make people aware of this awfully this that our society is suffering thanks to the lack of information of news and laws. In my opinion the thing to make a change in this situation to make everyone aware of the horribly thing that are happening nowadays so we can be careful that is why I want to do this research about this topics.

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