Writing for the Public

Author: Bryan Moreno (Page 3 of 8)

homework for Tues- our progress

I haven’t finish my comic yet but i’m still working on it I would like people to see the final work so I could receive their feedback and make the comic better. The topic remain the same as before my life in quarantine and how it has change me , or a compare 2020 me vs the 2021 version of me.

Homework for Tuesday

For me to start I making a plan on how I’m going to do my comic in which I started thinking in the cover what i’m going to use and how the development of my story is going to go and i’m thinking what type of drawing is going to the comic. The cover would be a big title  and a image trying to show the meaning of the comic hopefully with that it will call the attention of people.

Homework for April 15

For my Unit 3 I made the decision to go for a comic because is a thing that I appreciate reading and I will like to apply for this unit. This comic will be about my time in quarantine and the after effect on me, how I change and what it has benefit me from during this time. For comic there’s not a specific way of  language , research, tone etc but for the development there’s the idea on how I’m going to write my story. For the audience the way for me to attract people could be more easy because is a cartoon telling a story with drawings. In conclusion my Unit 3 is more focus on me and how I am going to develop my story there’s is not a good or bad way of doing a comic is more based on how created I am. To be honest this was not my first option because I find it kinda hard to do but I want it to make special and a challenge for this unit and i’m going to try my best so people really know what happen during that long time and how it has affected me now or how it has made me become or my personal experience. The main idea for a comic is to narrate my days with words and with pictures or drawing so I can show in more details how my experience was and hopefully my audience can enjoy the effort out in my comic.

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