Writing for the Public

Homework #3

After reading this book a couple of times name “the brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao I can tell that I had some difficulty while reading it and not been able understand it correctly. The part of the passage that I did not quite understand was “he was the one who green-lighted the assassinate him down all died so horrifically. And what about fucking Kennedy? He was the one who green-lighted the assassination of Trujillo in 1961 who ordered the CIA to deliver arm to the island. Bad move cap’n. For what Kennedy in intelligence experts failed to tell him was what every single Dominican, from the richest ancient sanmacorisano to the littlest carajito in San Francisco: whoever killed Trujillo their family would suffer a fuku so dreadful it would make one that attached itself to the admiral jojote in comparion” I did not quite understand this part but it to my attention because I heard about the history of Trujillo but now been able to read this passage I have more information. There was some word that was hard for me to understand which made it a lot harder for me to understand the passage and what the author was trying to convey.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    When we do this again, it will be helpful to pinpoint what, particularly, about the passage you couldn’t understand. Was it the Spanish? Was it some specific aspect of the history? When you look closely at WHAT you find difficult, it can help you understand it better.

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