Writing for the Public

Homework (Fuku)

The part which I found myself to stop and think about and that made me go back multiple times was the part where he would talk about the relationship about Trujillo and Fuku or Fuku of itself. I had a really hard time going through the same text again and again because i wasn’t able to figure out how what Fuku is, i am dominican and have never heard of such a word before, and after some time i started to think that it was the name of a spirit that they believed of in the past or a name of a creature from a myth since there are a lot of does in Dominican Republic, a prime example of this being “La Chapa Kabra”.  

After a while of believing that is was a mythical creature, i started seeing how he would use the word fuku when talking about Trujillo and the connections which caused me to believe that it was a name of some kind of curse, and so kept looking for the meaning of “Fuku” and finally found it at the beginning of the book, which went over my head because i started the book very fast since i wanted to see what the author had to say about my home country.

Fuku is actually a name used for a curse which he says is to be the curse or the doom of the new world.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Honestly, I didn’t know if he just made this up himself, but SOME Dominican folks have heard of the Fuku. I’m not sure if it’s a real old word or what. But you might like this book!

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