Writing for the Public

Homework #2

In the article the quote “you are already an author”, could mean that we are all writers with unique writing techniques. We all write stuff whether it’s in a journal, stuff for school/work, or simply an email. When I think about writing, the only things that come to mind is my journal and school assignments. Some thing that Mike Dunn wrote caught my attention it was  on what the student said, she mentioned that when we read we should think to ourselves why the author wrote this way. And to question our selfs  when we are writing our own stuff. 


1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Evelyn, this is a bit short. I said to write 300 words and this is probably 75-100. If you don’t know what to say, do try to ask me or one of your peers (it might help to get on the group chat to ask friends)

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