Writing for the Public

Home work #1 (class discussion)

I believe the article, ” Zayn Malik and the songs that Bring us to Prayer” and the video “Unlearning my name” both have great similarities.  Both men are some what hiding behind their names.  Afraid of how  people may think of them or may portray them out to be once hearing their names. Through time they realize that their names has great meaning and were given to them for a purpose. Instead of running from it they learn to embrace it and make it their own.

My name is Teandra ,  Te-an-dra once broken up into syllables. Easy for some to pronounce also easy for some to mispronounce. I never really liked my name it had no meaning to me.  when asked how it was developed the only answer I had was, ” someone mentioned it in a late 90’s tv show” ( my mother’s words not mines).  Although I disliked my name I would never change it, its who I am. I’ve had it for so many years now it would sound so strange being called something else.  you would think coming from a Caribbean background I would have a name that would be more suitable in which my mother grew up. Guess my mother wanted things to be different. I know that some people may have mixed feelings on their names, but I don’t think my name can stop me from becoming the person in which I want to be. I see myself reaching new heights in life unlike what I’ve ever reached before. I see myself graduating from college, entering law school and joining the best Law firm in the state of New York. and its not because of my name but because of the proper steps and guidance influenced from myself and great people around me ( such as my mother and great teachers). my name can not define me for I am so much more.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    I love how you “pronounce” your name for us here in your writing. You are NOT going to be mispronounced! This tells your readers a lot about you!

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