Are you aware that over 30million Americans are obese due to poverty ? It’s been proven that a higher percentage of poverty  has been associated with higher obesity rates. So why is this such an important topic, well for starters at least 2.8 million people die from obesity each year. Those death factors include diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and different forms of cancers. This is a serious issue for people that are especially living in poverty because they don’t have a choice. Are you aware that majority of people currently living in property do not have a local grocery store? The nearest grocery is at least 2 miles away. What makes matters worse along with the distance being far is the fact that there are about 10% of vegetables and 90% of processed food. Don’t believe me, take a trip to a grocery store within a low income neighborhood and you will understand my frustration.  If the obesity epidemic does not slow down, 10 years from now half of the United States will be obese.  Now how’s that for food for thought.