There’s a discussion about machismo culture and how it impacts both men and women, but no one is talking about marianismo culture nor do they know what it is or means. I don’t like the notion that women only have two options it’s either you’re pure or a whore and that’s it, at what point are you ever just you, or have you just been manipulated by this traditional culture standard. It affects Latina women and those who surround them their mothers and their grandmothers. It’s not only women who are impacted by marianismo but your husbands, fathers, and sons. These women don’t know what route to take, it’s either you stick with your culture or you aren’t a real woman with real values. Marianismo is alive, just not as known I don’t experience marianismo the same way women my age would experience in South America. Simply talking and writing about it is new, when you search marianismo there are 303,000 results in comparison when you google machismo there are 14,800,00 results.