In the article ‘Marriage: An Investigation’, the writer talks about how the idea behind marriage has changed from the 18th Century to present day. While reading this article, I was realizing that in today’s society no one is really getting married and following the perfect life and family stereotype and that’s what I learned from the article. What helped me to understand her point of view was her rescreach, she brought up facts about marriage in the 18th century and mid-1960s so by doing this I could see what she means by the ideas of marriage has changed over the years. She also uses her personal life as in an example in the article. She used her daughter as an example of people not seeing marriage in their future. 

The reason I picked this article was the Title. When the word investigation is used, it’s usually not a good thing, it makes me think of crime. So what I found interesting was the word Marriage and investigation used in the same sentence and as a title. At the beginning of the article, I was wondering if I had chosen the wrong article but then the writer started asking questions to the reader and it had me thinking about my beliefs in marriage. So I would say it did live up to my expectations, because it made me aware of facts that now change my whole point of view, for example that single women live longer than married women make me want to stay single forever. And I liked the way she ended her article, it was a sweet way to end the article after all the facts she mentioned.